

[CONTEST] "G-Dragon B-day Message and BIG BANG's 4-years Debut"- Closed already~Please be early next year!XD

| Saturday, October 10
YES, August will be our big MONTH!
(contest ends at GMT23:59hrs, 31 Aug 2010)
Do you know that (18 August) is the 23rd Birthday of our dear leader, G-Dragon and the next day (19 August) will be the 4th year anniversary of BIGBANG's debut?
As a fan of our boys, we are sure you would like to show your love on these special days so we have organize this competition just for you! YES YOU! Besides showing us your LOVE for BIGBANG, you can also have a chance to WIN the prizes that we, the admins of BBW, have especially prepared for you!....

We are going to pick 5 (or even more! As long as you show us your sincere love to our boys!) for you to receive the prizes! The winners will be notified individually by email. (Some photos of the prizes have already uploaded here! Sorry we have not bought them all yet since I(rice) am going to travel to Korea from tomorrow and other admins will also buy stuff online! Wait for our good stuff!^^)
So, are you ready to gather your thoughts and send the best blessings to our boys now?

Photos of the prizes
1. a BIGBANG poster + a G Dragon Mobile key charm (from Korea)

1. 1 BIGBANG poster + a fly-Dragon cheering torch (from Korea)

+ a BIGBANG Mobile Cleaner (from Korea)

2. a BIGBANG poster + a G Dragon Shine a Light DVD!

3. a BIGBANG poster+ a Taeyang SOLAR CD
(We just change it to Deluxe Edition!)

4. BIG BANG "BIG SHOW 2010" DVD!!!
"This DVD photo been taken from AshKwon@BigbangWorld, her DVD just arrived today!!! So guys what u waiting for, the dateline is this
31th August 2010, GMT23:59 hrs
(Including 2-disc DVD, PHOTOBOOK 160 pages, YG Family Card & Poster!)

5. BIGBANG poster + a BSX T-shirt

P/s: Prizes are subject to change & availability, but fret not, we will get the best for you! Fo'sho!^^

Wanna get the prizes here? Just leave your blessing messages of (100-300 English words or can be more!) here on or before 23:59hrs, 31/8. We will then announce the top 5 by the first week of September!
Please copy the following format and paste it in the comment part if you want to join our event!
(copy starting from here)
1. Name/Nickname: eg. Rice
2. Place of origin: eg. HK
3. Authentic email: eg. (not my valid email, don't try!)
4. Age: e.g. 24 (yeah..real age and I know I am old)
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: eg. Bday message to GD
6. Your message: eg. Dear G- Dragon, I have been into you right from the very beginning that we met. I still remembered that was a sunny day when I was watching a Taiwanese variety show, someone looked like you appear. He said he was paying tribute to a very great singer cum dancer in Korea who is you! I was amazed by his dancing steps then I tried to look for you in youtube. Right after I watched Haru Haru MV, I knew I am destined to fall for you. Your adorable smile and superb singing skills captured my delicate heart. From then on , I always cast my eyes on you. And time really flies, it is your bday soon. I want to grab this chance to express my sincere blessing to you: My love, happy 23rd Bday! And take good care of yourself for your dear VIPs!.......
(Er... I know I am a bit exaggerated....:P)
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : eg. Rice is a fantastic admin! (;P)

Okay, guys, get ready and take actions to show your love to our dear BB now! ^^
(Event organized by: all Bigbang World admins
Prizes subsidized by: all Bigbang World admins :P
This passage is drafted and shared by..... Rice+AshKwon+EstJiyong@BBW


{ Kristine Jimenez } at: August 7, 2010 at 9:17 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Kristine Jimenez
2. Philippines
3. authenic email:
4. Age: 18
5. Birthday MSG for GD
6. Annyeong Jiyong oppa, It's been a long time since I become a fan of yours. I really don't know what really attracted me to you but when I say your performance of Lies on MKMF and when you started rapping I said "AHHHH WOW this is it. He's superb" Since then I started searching for your videos on youtube. I do adore those innocent and shy smile of yours. With your cute antics I must say I completely fall in love with you. When you are dancing it's simple but with those adorable expression of yours it became cool and sexy at the same time. every time you rap and sing, you make me feel that song is only for me. Oppa since your birthday is near. I would to thank you for changing my life. Thank you for writing songs for US VIPs. Thank you for appreciating us fans dearly. You are my inspiration. You have shown me that a person should not give up in pursuing his/her dream. Your one of a kind. Happy Birthday to you oppa. Always take care of yourself and may God bless you with all his love:)
7. comment to our site: This is the best:) Thank you for this

Anonymous at: August 7, 2010 at 4:29 PM said...

1.Name/Nickname): hani
2.Place of origin: Malaysia
3.Authenic email:
4.Age: 20 (not yet..hehe.....2 months later)
5.Blessing for debut
6. dear BIGBANG, kekeke~~ I really wish you guys can listen to what I’m saying right now or read what I’m writing here. This coming 19th august, WE (BB AND VIPS) will be celebrating your 4th years in the entertainment industry since you guys debut. Though I only know you guys February last year, I feel like I knew you guys for four years already! (hihi...thanks to youtube,vips and fansites). 1st of all, congratulation for all your success through all these years! You guys deserve all of it, and actually deserve MORE than what you guys had already received. To be honest bigbang is not the only band I know in South Korea or in this entire world, but seriously I never ‘met’ any band that is as GREAT as bigbang. 1st time I knew you guys was through mkmf 07 that was showed on my country’s channel 708 on February 2009. Can you imagine there are a lot of artists performed during that award show, but only ONE caught my eyes. (you know who!^^) I listen to Lies for the 1st time and I fall in love in a 1st ‘sight’! (kekeke~~) One great things about you guys is that, your songs are super duper great!! If people asked me why I love bb, thousands of reasons I would give, but the 1st one, I would proudly say, no other songs can beat theirs!! I wish you guys will keep producing good songs for us and I really wanna see you guys on top of the world! I know you guys can make it.Be strong guys! Whatever happened we, vips will still be with you guys! (this I promise you) btw, HAPPY BECOMING BIRTHDAY, MY LOVE jiyong oppa! (lead bb to victory!!) There are a lot more I want to say, but I’ll keep it for next year!!(kekeke~~) [END]
[ps: sorry for my broken English!!! And i dont know whether I answer the question (blessing for debut) or not, I just write what I feel and what I want to say to them! All the best BB AND VIPS]

{ BBW } at: August 8, 2010 at 7:06 PM said...

TOPLvr-Thanks so much for the shoutout guys, u're message so cool! btw are u guys having any problem by sending comments here?

{ Kenneth Ramones } at: August 8, 2010 at 8:08 PM said...

(copy starting from here)
1. Name/Nickname: eg. AlphaKeNNy
2. Hawaii
4. 18
5. Birth of big bang and G-dragon
6. Your msg: Iam glad BigBang made it far im inspired by your guys music. I wouldnt start making music if i didnt watch BB's documentary.
GD and YB I was wondering why they were so talented so i watch the documentary. I learn a lot about hardwork, desire and patience can help you reach your dreams. I watch all your concerts and music on youtube. Iam a guy but i love your songs it catchu and it has deep meanings. Iam not Korean but I know your songs are good because i don't have to understand it. You guys made it far and you guys are still humble not much stars can play around like you guys do in front of the camera when their famous. You guys stay true and make good music. GD inspires me he put all his heart in to making lyrics and songs I am amaze by his talent. If I am going to make music I am going to get my style from him. He can pretty much do anything sing, dance, back flip and act gay LOL. I wish you luck stay humble and keep making music like Lies and Heaven I love those two songs. I adore Big Bangs style and I love Wonder Girls When i see WonderBang I get jealous. Have a fun Birth day G-dragon take the party down OH and stay neat in the flesh top to bottom so freshly dress.
7. Comment to our site: eg. Rice is a fantastic admin! (;P)I think I am more fantastic LOL.

{ BBW } at: August 8, 2010 at 8:46 PM said...

Est-@Kenneth Ramones :- erk no.7 is bout you're comment bout our blog..haha.. nvm^^

{ piiin } at: August 8, 2010 at 8:59 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Piin Pepito
2. Place of origin: Philippines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 16
5. B day msg to GD & blessing for debut
6. Your msg: for G-DRAGON
KWON LEADAH. wazzup? happy birthday to you oppa. you are one cool, amazing, perfect leader that i know. your talents are beyond amazing and for that i a proud VIP loves you so much. when i see you in tv, your performances, your interviews && even your gorgeous pictures (your amazing fashion too.) you took my breath away. everytime!! don't worry about the controversies and issues against you because we all know that it ain't true. we are always here to support and believe in you no matter what.
FOR YOUR WONDERFUL 23rd BIRTHDAY may you have GOD's ultimate blessings. continue doing what you love the best because you are inspiring all of us. :D pray always jiyong oppa. saranghee. :D

blessings for DEBUT: BIG BANG is VIP and always will be forever! HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY BB!! KWON JIYONG, DONG YOUNGBAE, CHOI SEUNG HYUN, KANG DAESUNG, LEE SEUNG HYUN. <3 i never regret being an ultimate fan of BIG BANG because it's one of the best things that happened in my life. knowing your music and you yourselves. you are all my inspirations. continue making music because it's really amazing!! SUPER AMAZING! you always do make a difference. <3 your music will always be stuck in our hearts forever. continue to follow your dreams, eat well, sleep well too. :) GOD BLESS BIG BANG. saranghee BIG BANG!!! <3
7. Comment to our site: thanks for this chance to express our feelings for the boys. i'm lovin this site! :D HWAITING!! hope i'll win. *prays. lol!

{ GoNdAng } at: August 9, 2010 at 12:20 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: AISYAH
2. Place of origin: MALAYSIA
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 20
5. B day msg to GD
6. Your msg:<3 GD oppa <3
I dont have money to buy ur presents but i know simple wishes can be precious sometimes when it comes straight from the heart.. from the innermost I wished u can read this :)
to me..u shine more than anyone else..
at first, I barely know you.. but one day, u tied me up with ur statement of ur issues back I was touched by a strength of a guy who admit his mistakes n brace himself to keep going on.. yet learn from mistakes..
thanks to this.. I keep telling myself how life is super short for me to be upset ..and how life is wonderful when u want it to be..
Oppa ..
happy birthday to you strong and happy always..
From far away.. though you don’t even know me.. I wished u happiness the most..being realistic is a must..its not like u have to marry me or anything :)
As true fans, I’ll support ur career n ur personal life..dont ever give up..dont ever stop being an inspiration and please be happy with whoever u’ll end up with..because I’ll be happy for you too ..its a promise :) and I do hope one day I can find a guy that is more like you


through thick and thin ..

i’m your VIP..

7)Your comment to our blog : hoping to win is no u know how thankful i am to you for letting me to drop my line of expression here..thank you so much BBW :')

Anonymous at: August 9, 2010 at 6:43 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Elsa Almonaci But you can just call me LC
2. Place of origin: United States/ILLinios
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 18 (But soon to be 19 on the 18th of August)
5. B day message to GD
6. G-dragon (Kwon Ji-Young)
I would of never have thought i would be so interested into someone's music before. Your solo album and BIGBANG's past album were so incredible. I couldn't even descirbe how to explain your music. But to me it reminds me of real life situations going on in the world.

I like listening to your music when i'm drawing it inspires me. As an artist i always want to stay focused on what i want to do in life. GD you have accomplised making people around you and your fans happy with your music. I hope someday that i can do the same with designing my very own video games. I like to think of GD as an inspiration to me. Becuase when i feel like i can't accomplish something i think of you and many other people who have succeded in thier DREAMS.
G-Dragon even though i don't know you and you don't know me, i atleast hope that i can see you in concert sometime whenever i can fly over to South Korea. ^_^
But i wish you the BEST in your new album.
I'm glad to know that my birthday is with a fantastic Artist/Singer like you.

My blessing to everyone in BIG BANG <3

7. Your comment about the blog:
Thanks to everyone doing this site BBW. I'm veery thankful i can say what i've been wanting to express for a while. I don't know how many people will sign up for this, but even if i don't win i'm glad i was able to say something about how i feel. I'm very thankfull to everyone, please continue to doing more contests in the future.

Thank you.

{ Adri } at: August 9, 2010 at 11:37 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Adri
2. Place of origin: USA/NJ
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 19
5. B-day message to Jiyong
6. Your message: Dear G-Dragon, last year for your birthday you gave the fans a solo album. This year I have a drawing I'm working on for your birthday. This is a thank you for everything. I thank you for being a great leader to Big Bang, cuz without Big Bang, my PSP wouldn't be filled with the wonderful music that I listen to everyday while I work. I thank you for your solo album, because without it, I'm not sure if I would have stumbled across your music as well as Big Bang's music when I did. I thank you for working so hard to follow your dreams and for the fans. It reminds me to work harder till I can fulfill my own dream. Thank you for the inspiration you bring to my artwork be it your fashion, your music or anything else. Thank you for being so strong. "I pledged that I won't even fall down in front of the mirror." I live by these words now. Thank you for everything. So in return, I wish you a very happy birthday because you deserve it. You'll always have my love & support and I'll always be here waiting for the next thing you bring while living out my own dreams. Always keep smiling even when something brings you down. When you are sad, when you are stressed, when you are lonely...just keep smiling. There are millions that will always be there supporting you till the end. Remember this and never forget your dream from when you were young. Congratulations to you and Big Bang for your 4th anniversary since debut. You all worked hard to get to this point.
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : :D thanks for being devoted to Big Bang!! honestly, i comment for the contest but after writing my message, i'm happy enough with it even if i don't end up winning.

{ The Ha Ha Gyrl } at: August 9, 2010 at 1:16 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Krix
2. Place of origin: Singapore!
3. Authentic email: (not my valid email, don't try!)
4. Age: 14~
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Both
6. Your message:


Oh my...I'm so nervous writing this to BIGBANG, my most favourite band of all time. I love you guys soooo much! In class I will always tell my friends, "BIG.......*fires gun* BANG!" ^^ Hehehhehe. I've always loved all your songs, Lies, Haru Haru, Tell Me Goodbye, So Beautiful, Lady, La La La etc. They are all so amazing, and I can't help but smile whenever I hear your songs. Your songs give more meaning to my life, and your music has become my world. I've watched the documentary, how you all trained so hard, and I really feel so touched. Your songs are all so special, each having a feeling I get which I don't when I listen to other bands' songs. You all are so special to me, giving me inspiration, making me smile when I'm down, and when I feel like I just have to shut myself from the world, I stuff my earphones into my ears and ignore the whole world, and after listening to your songs, I always get the courage to step out again. I try to support you all as much as I can, buying merchandise, albums, etc. and It would be like the greatest dream if you all could come to Singapore <3 You guys are so great, and I love you so much, congrats on your 4th anniversary! I'm so glad there was a band like this, or my life would not have been the same, so empty without you guys....CONGRATS, AND I WISH ALL OF YOU THE BEST, DON'T LET ANYTHING GET YOU DOWN, AND I WILL ALWAYS BE SUPPORTING YOU! (P.S HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO G-DRAGON!<3)


Hi G-Dragon (oppa?)

Sorry I'm not good at korean :X I love your songs. The lyrics are so deep, hold so much meaning, and everytime I listen to it I get new inspiration, and more meaning to live and I never get sick of your songs. I'm always happy when I hear your songs, and I enjoy the lyrics as much as the tune. GD you are amazing, I love your voice and the fact that you write lyrics for the songs is just so amazing, and you are so special ^_^ I wrote a 5 page essay about BIGBANG! :D I love your song, A boy, which I find that the lyrics have a lot of meaning, and I'm going to start my career now as a script writer/director, because you inspired me to. You are someone who I really look up to, and you're so cuuuuuute and such an awesome leader. Whenever I feel like, "I'm too young, I can't do it", I will always think about you and get more motivation :D I absolutely love your songs, and they really inspire me, and I listen to them everyday. I am really grateful to you for everything you have done to me, you have changed me, and you have the power to change others ((: Oh, everything you have done, it's just so overwhelming, and I want to become just like you when I grow up, because you are a really great idol to me, and I love how you play with Seungri<3 Don't let anything get you down! I wish you a very happy 23rd birthday, I wish I can give you a gift...I'm not sure how though, but if I could I'll bake a cake for you :D But...I don't think it will be nice :X But I'll keep trying D: All the best, GD, best of luck in everything you do, I will always be supporting you, and you can do it in anything! CONGRATS!~


7. This blog is AMAZING. I stumbled upon it just now and in less than 1 minute, it's already on my favourites and I've already shared this with my friends(: Thanks so much for being so dedicated to BIGBANG, all the VIPs LOVE YA! :D The design is especially nice, and all the posts are just so amazing that I have to read practically every one of them. Thanks so much, you guys have such an awesome blog, and I really appreciate it so much! YOU GUYS ROCK! :D

Anonymous at: August 9, 2010 at 4:18 PM said...

1. Nickname: Jo
2. Place of origin: Romania
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 17
5. B-day message for GD:
6. Kwon Ji-Yong oppa, Happy Birthday! I wish you all the luck, love and happiness in the world to surround you for your entire life! You are one of not so many people who are both talented and cute and love what they’re doing, all in the same time ^.^ One of my friends is crazy about you and I asked her “What do you see so special in him? You don’t even know him…”. She smiled and told me: ”I know I don’t, but I see in him perfection: Talent, beauty, dedication, ambition and the possibility of loving somebody the right way”. After saying those kind words about you of course I got curious and went on >youtube< and listened to some of your songs. In time I started to agree with her. I did and I still do like the way you sing! You make us feel the music with your beautiful voice and honestly, I don’t say this about many singers, but you do have the potential of becoming even greater [Dunno if it’s possible..I mean in my opinion you are one of the best singers *blush*]! I’m looking forward to it! I will…well…WE will keep watching you no matter the UPS and downs [there aren’t any, are there? *blush*] and we will enjoy listening to you forever! Happy birthday again and, please, promise me that you will take care of yourself no matter the problems you will face in the future.
{Ummm... one more thing...your smile? At least 10 stars ♥}
As for Big Bang CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 4TH ANNIVERSARY! You truly deserve being called THE BEST! I love your songs and I love the fact that in your band perfection is something normal…that you see in every member! You are all extremely talented and I know that you’ve heard this at least a million times but I feel like saying it again just to accentuate it ^^: You Will Rule The World With Your Music! Can’t w8 for that to happen! I know it won’t take long :P Congrats again and keep up the amazing work! Luv y’all! Take good care of yourselves! Maaany kisses and hugs!
7. Your comment to our blog: Well…thanks to you guys my knowledge about BB is updated so I thank you for that! It’s a great blog so keep up the great work! ^^

{ Shin HyoJi } at: August 9, 2010 at 4:30 PM said...

1.Nickname: SH / 신효지
2.Place of origin: Romania
3.Authentic email:
4.Age: 18
5. B-day message for G Dragon:
6.Your message: I am aware that there are 9 days until Kwon Ji Yong’s birthday. I’m very happy for him and I, of course, wish the best, all the love, happiness and success in the world like i’ve did via Me2day and sites for 2 years now.
But I wanna expose a few things first.
Everybody says, Gdragon is:
1.The most amazing woderful singer and rapper!
2.The most talented singer and composer!
3.The most fashionista in Korea!
4.Most cute, sweet, innocent shy person!
5.Most criticzed singer in Korea!
6.Best smile in Korea!
7.The trendsetter!
8.The best leader in a boy band!
9.Best face and cuttest eye smile!
10.The soon to be boss!
Stuff that people say about GDragon. Stuff that I think about GDragon:
1.The singer that entertains every single soul in his area!
2.The one person that loves his dog like his own child.
3.The composer that managed to write my favorite song of all times.
4.The person who’s fashion I adore sometimes , hate other times.
5.The man of who’s jokes i laugh so hard at!
6.The guy that i hate when he’s not posting on Me2day!
7.The singer who puts emotion in every note.
8.The rapper who is not afraid to wear other stuff exept large pants and hoodies.
9.The ambitious person who can do whatever he wants!
10.The Gdragon!

I know Gdragon pretty well i might say! And that’s what I exactly think about him in few words. Gdragon is..But thats all..Gdragon is..I DO NOT KNOW Kwon JiYong! I am not aware of his real life, of the real him.I never got the opportunity to speak to him or to watch him in real life. It’s no lie that i feel the emotions Gdragon gives on stage and in interviews.
But, Kwon JiYong, who are you?

Bday message for BigBang:
Wow, 4 years already! The only think i need as granted for now is that you guys will still be BigBang in 10 years.
BigBang changed a lot of people’s life including mine so i would HATE you if you split!
In other words, kinder words, i love you guys and i am waiting for this new album to come! Remember that you promised you’ll release it in august. I want the best for you, so always be healthy! There is no doubt that if i could i would take care of every single one of you so that suffer never gets close to you, but life is suffer too so what doesn’t kill you [CLICHE] makes you stronger! To every single member, you grew up so beautifuly [ i am not a 누나] and you grew up with BigBang. I love BigBang and i’ll grow old loving BigBang.
Off topic whenever i hear BigBang i think of LaLaLa, YG, HaruHaru, Lies, I love girls, number1, music, critic, car crash, tears, japan, YG, fans, BigBang, WorldWide.
So BigBang really is the Big Thing! Number 1 since 2006! You better keep it this way.

Tanasa Amalia

7.Comment to our site: BigBangWorld! That kind of says everything don’t you think? Really now, BigBang World is the place I enter every single morning after opening my computer. The way I keep myself updated with everything that regards my favorite band and my perfect boys! BigBang World I love you guys, i don’t know any of you but whoever does such great things desevers THE BEST. I’ll be your official Mascot/ cheerleader! Bbworld FIGHTING!! Honestly keep it big like you always do!

{ VIPs } at: August 9, 2010 at 6:13 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Norli
2. Place of origin: Malaysia
3. Authentic email:
4. Age:21
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut :both
6. Your message: Dear GD,
Happy 23rd birthday. I hope that you will be happy always. If you happy, I will happy too. So, please be good and healthy forever. I hope that I can meet you one day. It was my dream from the first time I saw you. when I watching video about you, I will laugh….. I like it the most when you teasing Seungri… First time I heard your voice is through the La La La songs and I admit that I’ve fall in love with your voice. Your voice are superb. From that moment, I try my best to find all of your videos and I think all of the video that is upload at the youtube have been in my collection now. First time I know you, I didn’t get enough sleep coz I will sleep late in the morning and wake up early in the morning just to surf the internet and find your videos and photo.. then I will watch it and laugh because you are so funny.. I still remember when all the people at the bus stand watching me strangely… do you know why? It because I listen to your song and then I smile alone… hahah..( I think that they feel I’m crazy… smiling alone..) I’m write this 23rd birthday wishes to you while i’m listening to your songs…. Right now I’m listen to the hallelujah… "shimmy shimmy yo, 1, 2 step action action,mission complete, no doubt" i really love that never gets old…… first time I heard this song is on november 2009 and I got addicted to it instantly.. the melody keep running on my head…. I’ve recommend this songs to my friend to listen.. and you know what they said??? Wow!!!! Great… how could we didn’t know about this group?? This is such a great group and we dont know about their song for this past few years??… thank you for letting us know about this superb group… and now they also become the VIP.. GD I know that you have been in a controversy before and I want you to know that you always have my support in whatever you do… eventhought you have problem please keep smiling coz we cant stand to see you sad… I’m hoping that you will be happy and healthy forever … we really need you… you light up our life… your music inspire us a lot… happy 23rd birthday Kwon Ji Yong…

Blessing for debut:

Happy 4th anniversary BigBang….BigBang you such a great great group… everytime I listen to your music I will feel the freshness of the music… I will follow all of pages that show your group on their pages…. Hahaha.. ( how obsess I am towards your group..)… I love you damn much… hope that your group will be together forever coz I love to watch everybody in your group play together…. You are completing each other…. Great job guys…. Hoping that you will produce a great great songs that everybody will not forget for the rest of their life…. B to the I to the G... B to the ANG ..dynamite... BIGBANG Rockssss!!!! and remembar that VIP love you guys so much.... forever!!!!

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : This blog is great… I hope that you will have more followers coz this is such a great blog that all the BigBang lovers should follow… You have a lot of information about BigBang.. keep up your effort on this blog guys coz the BigBang lovers will really really appreciate it a lot… and I thank you for organizing such a great contest… eventhough I will not win I will always follow this blog coz it great to know a lot about my favourite group… Thanks again for the superb blog!!!!

Anonymous at: August 9, 2010 at 8:37 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Takako
2. Place of origin: Italy
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 15
5. B day message to GD :
6. Your message: Dear Kwon Ji Yong leader .. I still remember the day when I listened to the Big Bang for the first time. The emotions I felt at that moment are unexplainable, because I had never experienced before and are too extensive to be explained. You are unique. With your music and you dream, even if you had to suffer many bad things, have struggled and went ahead to achieve your dreams. On 18 August this year will be exactly a year since you made your biggest dream. Your smiles, then, in your first solo concert, were those of a happy child. I really hope you'll continue to achieve your dreams and let other people to dream themselves with your music .. and that of the Big Bang together! You know how to really touch the heart of a person. Keep it up. Never give up and always show your talent without fear.
I like many other people we need you to keep dreaming and fighting as we have taught you with your music.
Happy birthday and congratulations on your fourth anniversary!
Many thanks .. never enough.
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : It 'just that I follow this blog, but it's really important for us fans who want to keep track of the Big Bang. So thank you for your hard work and I congratulate you fail to inform us whenever the Big Bang. Thanks!

{ BBW } at: August 9, 2010 at 11:14 PM said...

TOPLvr-Thanks guys for the great shoutout! i love to read all that... we just do our best to spread the latest things bout bigbang^^

{ Lollipopfeeling } at: August 10, 2010 at 8:21 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Marce
2. Place of origin: Mexico
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 15
5. B day message : GD bday message
6. Your message: Dear G-Dragon oppa i wanna first say you happy b-day!! you now are 23:| you are so big but also so small ... you have a long way to record your life... you are missing alot of adventures so take care!. Wow,I have 1 year that i know you know bigbang. When I first saw lollipop i get in love with you. Mi cousine show me that video and the first person that i notice is you the guy with the hat blue. I ask my cousine your name and she don't know either so we investigate and was you "G-Dragon" or "Ji Yong" wow! is incredible how it past the days , the time. The second video that i saw was "Haru Haru ( Day by Day)" & definitely was you the one who was in my heart. Is impossible to know you, you are on the other side of earth. But my hopes of knowing you would never GO i will fight to know you so my life will be complete no matter where and when. Here where i live (Mexico) there are few persons that we know you but we love you and we love the others. GD thanks for share your music with the world with other countries, cities and states. We love you we love how you are and how you are not. Thanks alot and take care of your selfe we don't whant that nothing happens to the leader and to the rest of Bigbang! Again H A P P Y B D A Y! have a incredible day! Hope that all your wishes come true! and never never give up with your dreams!
V I P girls hope you the best! ... Greetings from México
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : I S A W S O M E! i love it simple as that. I love that all the news from BigBang are here!... i can get an update off all that is happening thanks to you i can be more closer to them no matter the distance... Thanks alot for sharing the informations!... This blog is the B E S T(:

{ Andromytta } at: August 10, 2010 at 8:22 AM said...

Can we do one of each? I'd love to be able to wish G-Dragon a happy birthday and say something uplifting to the rest of the boys!

{ BBW } at: August 10, 2010 at 8:44 AM said...

TOPLvr-@Andromytta, yah sure as the shoutout is also for BigBang's 4 years debut..not just GD's b'day^^

{ Andromytta } at: August 10, 2010 at 8:59 AM said...

That's awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous at: August 10, 2010 at 11:05 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname:Nia
2. Place of origin:Malaysia
3. Authentic
4. Age:20
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Both
6. Your message:
G-Dragon Birthday
I'm not so good in English but I still want to wish the 23rd birthday wishes for you coz it has been my dream for this past few years.... GD "ALL THE BEST" is the only things that i can wish you for your 23rd birthday.... I'm not so good about express my feeling but I want you to know that no matter what happen in the future I will always support you... coz you are my inspiration... You make me keep smiling eventhough i have a lot of problem.... just listen to your voice can make me happy already... you know what GD? first time I saw Big Bang, the one who grab my eyes was you... you are so cute.. its hard to ignore you... all i can say is you are a SPARKLING stars... ( this is true.. its not a LIE..)... So, for your 23rd birthday, i wish you happy always and please keep smiling coz your smile can make me keep smiling... ALL THE BEST my lovely GD...


For your 4th debut blessing, I wish you guys will be the NUMBER 1 forever... When first you guys release yuor debut, you guys are still younger and now you guys have become a BIG BOY already.(time move so fast...)..EVERYONE will SCREAM when they saw your performance... you know what??.. at first I didnt ignore you guys... but when i always see that my sister CAN'T GET ENOUGH of you guys... i wonder what is so special about you guys?? I'm still REMEMBER the first time when i'm really focusing hear your songs... I'm speechless... Your voice are WONDERFUL... OH,AH,OH.. at that time i dont know what to do... I have fall in love with you guys...Everyday I try to search everything about you guys... photo, videos, MV... everything.... and you know what?? I have about 3000 photo of you guys in my computer.... i will save them eventhought the size is small... hahahaha.... when i hear your songs i will follow you guys to sing it..." La la la la.. everybody get'em hi oori eumakeh nul nogyuhbwa and we wont stop movin movin"......B.I.G.B.A.N.G.... Big Bang!!!... you guys must REMEMBER that all the VIPs love you and we will ALWAYS support you guys....i hope that you guys will be TOGETHER FOREVER coz i will hate it a lot if you guys split up.... REMEMBER guys... our blessing are always WITH YOU.... BIG BANG is VIP.... HWAITING!!!!

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : AWSOME!!! eventhough i cant use or speaks English very well at least i can express what i want to say here... thanks for organizing this .... i can write everything that i wanted to say so much to GD and Big Bang for this past few years... thanks a lot...and wish you guys(admins) ALL THE BEST in providing a latest stuff about our lovely Big Bang!!!

Devy Ventika Anwar at: August 11, 2010 at 2:12 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Devy Ventika
2. Place of origin: Indonesia
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 19
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: both
6. Your message :
Annyeong G-Dragon oppa... I’m your fan from Indonesia.
I don’t know what I must says at this messages. Many things that I want to convey about you,my bias and Big Bang. Kkk~
Happy birthday oppa...
On your birthday I wish you always happy,healthy,success and better than yesterday. AMEN...
I was feel in love with Big Bang when I downloaded Haru Haru mv... This mv really sweet!! I played this mv everyday and tried to remembered Big Bang member. And then I saw you. Suddenly I feel I like you... Your image and style so unique, make me more to like you. I Love you,oppa...
You make me want to learned anything about Korea. I’ve learned Hangul although I still not quite able to make sentences. But I want to trying again until I can. You’ve hypnotized me with your charisma, talents and personalities. You are the best Leader I have ever seen. TOO FAST TO LIVE TOO YOUNG TO DIE!
Oppa, maybe this year is so hard to you. Anything problems come and disturb your life. I know you certain feel tired and confused how to finishing the problems. Never give up oppa... VIPs on the world always love, support and don’t forget to praying for you although we are so far.
“The more successful a person, the more problems that will come”. Be strong oppa... I'm sure God will provide the best way for you to solve existing problems. \(n_n\)
Surely I prayed for you when going to sleep at night. I hope God will listen my prayers for you. AMEN...
I wish someday I can meet with you and you feel glad to meet with me, your fan from Indonesia who is always hope to meet with the best leader at Big Bang... AMEN...
VIPs loves you... Keep spirit G-Dragon oppa. \(n_n)/
I Love you... I Miss you...
You are the biggest present in my life...
Thank you for changing my life becomes more beautiful...

Blessing for debut :
Happy 4th anniversary Big Bang!! Big Bang is the greatest group!! You created to complement each other so that the Big Bang could be great like this. G-dragon, Taeyang, TOP, Daesung and Seungri oppa must always together on Big Bang (YG FAMILY forever). I don’t want to hear you guys split up!! I wish you will renew your contracts again with YG Entertainment. AMEN... VIPs so missing you... Whatever happens and until whenever I’m still VIP. I Love you guys,forever!!! Say Big to the Bang...


7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World):
Thank you so much for this blog that has given us a chance to convey feeling happy about Big Bang and G-Dragon birthday. So great blog!! Kkk~ (Sorry if my english languange not very well).

{ LostinWonderland } at: August 12, 2010 at 11:54 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Danni
2. Place of origin: USA
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 24
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut:both
6. Your message: Happy birthday Jiyongsshi! I am so lucky to be able to listen to your voice and so grateful that you choose to share your amazing talent with me. The first time i saw u was in the the "lies" video and you captured my heart. I hope that good things continue to happen to you. I hope you stay healthy and take time to have fun. Your biggest american VIP Saranghae

My Blessing for the Debut: OMG it's already been 4 years? I can't believe that its been this long you guys are the most talented group out right now, and it's because you guys are so dedicated to being perfect for yourselves and us VIPs. I can't wait to see what you guys bring out next. I hope you all excel in everything you try. Stay well and have fun. I hope in the future i will be able to see you here in america. BIG BANG FIGHTING!!

{ SARA } at: August 14, 2010 at 8:56 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
{ SARA } at: August 15, 2010 at 6:42 AM said...

opps...just should have been jiyoung's 23rd b'day not 22nd b'day...forgot about the korean i've deleted d incorrect one..once again sorry...

1. Name/Nickname: Sarah

2. Place of origin: Malaysia

3. Authentic email:

4. Age: 22

5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Both

6. Your message:

On the 18th of August 1988 A BOY was born to be a KOREAN DREAM in the future...HELLO Jiyoungie...The Ultimate, Charismatic and THE LEADER of BIG BANG...Happy 23rd B'day...!!! You're my HEARTBREAKER..Without THIS LOVE for you I can't BREATHE...I'll be your BUTTERFLY when SHE'S GONE waiting for you at the ONE YEAR STATION..Thank you for being a GOSSIP MAN in this industry..Thank you 4 always bringing amazing music to this world..Someone who never stops taking risk..I wish you all the best in years to come..producing more amazing music..Never give up and please keep being you...Your dorkiness and charisma at the same time makes me love and support you even more...Be a good brother to the other Big Bang members..Once again Happy Birthday and have an amazing day on this special day with the other Big Bang Members..Good Luck..Stay Healthy..Keep Smiling and May God bless you... <3 owez..

Big Bang..HAPPY 4th ANNIVERSARY..!! Thank you for being the best idol in this world...I've been a fan since the 'Lies' day..Your music is different and unique from the others and that makes you guys BIG BANG..The BIGgest star which will BANG the other stars from their shoes..All the best in the future...never stop supporting each other...I wish you guys will keep producing more amazing music which will attract the whole world..Please stick together until the 10th,20th,50th or 100th anniversary...Good Luck..Stay Healthy..Stay Close..Keep Smiling and May God bless BIG BANG...!!! <3 u guys..!!
~Malaysian VIP 4EVER~

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World):
Thank You for giving us this opportunity...i stumbled on this blog accidentally today and found out about this..this is a great blog and thank you for providing us everything about BIG BANG..To Bigbang world staff...keep up the work and all the best in the future...may god bless u guys..

{ Unknown } at: August 17, 2010 at 4:30 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Nica
2. Place of origin: Philippines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 20
5. Bday message to GD/ blessing for debut: both^^
6. Your message:

To birthday boy KWON LEADAH, Choco Abs SOL, Smiley D-LITE, Panda V.I. and lolliTOP,

Hello! What's up? First of all, I want to greet Kwon Leadah a happy happy birthday. You deserve all what you have now because we know that you really worked hard for it. But still I wish you all the happiness in life. Thank God that he brought you here and you unselfishly share your talent to the world. Keep up the good work. I love you *blush* G-Dragon, fighting ~! ^.^

And now for all of you, Happy 4th year anniversary Big Bang! *confetti* Time surely flies, eh? Thank you for sharing your passion to music to all VIPs, to the world. I would also like to congratulate you all for the achievements that you've received. I'm so proud of you guys and you deserve all of it. We, VIPs are always patiently waiting for your come back. We know that you have a lot in store for us and we're really anticipating for all of it. Good luck on your comeback though I know that it'll be a huge success again. VIPs badly misses you guys. We really hope for your come back very soon. VIPs, fighting! BIGBANG, fighting! We love you all guys. God bless you all~ ^.^

Your VIP forever,

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)?

BBW, jjang! *thumps up* I didn't know that this blog exist until I saw you on my followers list on twitter (And oh yeah, I followed you back already^^). Keep up the good work guys. The admins here are so cool to have promos like this. God bless y'all. BBW, fighting ~! ^.^

{ 紫色摩天轮 } at: August 17, 2010 at 11:27 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Carrie Yen
2. Place of origin: Malaysia
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 14
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut:Both^^
6. Your message: First,my English is broken English,so my sentence will have mistake...I am really really love G-Dragon and Bigbang...Since i watch strong heart, i feel i like GD,Bigabang,this is a cute man,and his song is very very nice!!His's voice,song, i love it!I don know how to try to say i like G-Dragon,he is the best leader ,a perfect man!I want to say many things about GD and Bigbang,but i can't write..I am just a poor student,so i really really want win the 5 prize..My grammar is very poor...So,at the end,i want to say: G-Dragon,Ji Yong!!I will support you and Bigbang until my life the end!!Fighting!!Happy Birthday,Ji Yong!!V.I.P love you!!If i can go to Korea,i will see your all guys concert!!Love you all guys,Bigbang and G-Dragon!!!Ji Yong oppa,happy 23rd birthday!Oppa,take care of yourself!!Happy Birthday!!
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? :This is a very cool Blog!!I like this very much!!Thanks for your all give me this chance!!hehe,i write so short,your all will not angry me ,right?hope you all happy everyday,like Bigbang!!Bye,sisters and brothers!! ^ ^

{ IzzatulSyahirah } at: August 18, 2010 at 11:41 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Izzatul

2. Place of origin: Malaysia

3. Authentic email:

4. Age: 15

5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: BOTH! :D

6. Your message:

To G-Dragon Oppa,

I love all about you :D oh gosh, I'm sorry, I should have said HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY G-DRAGON OPPA. so, HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY G-DRAGON OPPA!!! OHH!!! I got all excited because of oppa's birthday. I knew about this contest two days ago but I purposely writing it today because today is the special day! WOOHOO! I hope G-Dragon would read this. HHEHHE. :)

G-Dragon oppa,
the fist time I heard the name of G-DRAGON, I thought, "THIS GUY MUST BE REALLY COOL" and yes, by knowing who it is, G-DRAGON is really a cool person!

1 and a half year ago, I watched a Bigbang MV called GaraGara Go! There, I saw a boy, he was a bit small among his teammates, but he's really attractive and energetic. but sadly, he dances behind his teammates. minding his small body, i really can't see him but, hearing his rap and seeing his dances i just go, "OMG OMG OMG!" when I see his hair, "OMG LOOK AT HIS HAIR!!" HAHA. AND! not to mention his voice, DIFFERENT from OTHER SINGERS. I love GD oppa from head to toe. I tell you, G-DRAGON oppa is UNIQUE, NO ONE can REPLACE HIM! :)

SO, GD oppa, for this year's wish, I wish you all the best, live with Luxurious, Blissful and Happy life. I will always support you, cry with you, laugh with you. Thanks for your hard work. May you'll success in your career. I think I'm gonna post you a birthday gift for your next birthday! I hope so. :D ALL THE BEST GD OPPA!!! I LOVE YOU! X) X) X)

To Bigbang's 4th Anniversary:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :) :) :) KEEP THE GOOD WORK!! I will always support you, not just me, but all VIPies will also support you guys! Bigbang, you owned my heart, you guys like my first love. I love all your songs. EVERYDAY your songs will filled in my head, running through my lips.

I hope you guys will stay together till the end. never separate! you guys are perfect for each other. a perfect combination!



7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? :

Thanks for giving me this chance! I never missed even once for your updates, your blog really up-to-date. ;D looking at the news, its different from other Bigbang news. It has its own style. Thankyou very very much! and plus, this blog is really colourful. I love it! 2 Thumbs up! :D :D :D :D :D

{ Mira } at: August 20, 2010 at 5:06 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Ashihana
2. Place of origin: Malaysia
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 18
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Birthday message to GD and blessing for debut
6. Your message:
To my birthday boy, G-Dragon..
You know oppa, you are the first and only rapper that captured my heart so easily. My lips won’t stop moving after listen to your rapping..It was super energetic and unique style on your own way and it makes me want to follow you(even your fashion is superb!). It was ‘Lies’ that make me know you for the first time. With your unusual hairstyle, I was only attracted by you. After that I search your old music videos and I got excited when I saw your cute rapping in the song Sinsa by YG Family (I recognize that cute little boy ^_^). That’s not all, I watch every video of yours, I read all articles about you coz I’m happy to fill my life with your presence. Your smile made my day, your powerful voice makes me spirited the whole day. Now it almost 4 years since this all begins and now it’s your 23rd birthday. You’ve grown much in this 4 years and may this birthday was a meaningful birthday to you as it is also meaningful to me..Happy Birthday GD oppa..May all your wishes come true, leader..~~

To my super excellent boy group, Big Bang..
It does all begin when I first read about you in a local magazine saying that you will come to Thailand. I don’t know why your article attract me so much till I search your name at the internet and I found ‘Lies’..
Yeah, I still remember it, 2nd August 2007 when my heart fall for Lies..I couldn’t be able to leave it even for seconds! I watch all your music videos, I make collections of photo of yours, I watch all your variety shows and never missed one..I’m so happy to see you even though I have to travel to Cyber Cafe at that time because there’s no internet in my home and now internet was a precious thing to me as it connects me to you guys.
Without even realising that it is almost 4 years since I became a V.I.P and today is your 4th anniversary since debut..I’ve been watching you from BOYS to MEN. You give me all the happiness as a fan in this 4 years but sadly I can’t afford to give you expensive gifts. May this wishes that come straight from my heart enough to show my love to you guys..Happy Anniversary to Big Bang, my favourite boy group now and ever.. I’m still waiting and hoping that you would come here and I couldn’t wait to see that day come and I be able to watch you live and be able to tell you guys that I love you guys so much and that fact won’t change as I make it as my spirit..Love you guys forever!

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : You guys really know what I’m thinking. Thanks to this contest, I finally can told people of what I felt about GD and the rest of Big Bang members and their influences in my life although I took few hours for me to wrote this coz I’m nervous and at the same time excited that I would be able to told this story to people. I’m happy to share this to everyone coz I want people to know that I’m really a true V.I.P. and my love for them won’t disappear Thanks again BigBang World for organizing such a sweet event for all V.I.Pz. Great website as it serve me the best and latest news about Big Bang..Thanks again BigBang World!~

Anonymous at: August 20, 2010 at 5:45 PM said...

Name: Charmaine
Place of origin: Singapore
Authentic email:
Age: 16
Birthday message to GD/Blessing for debut: Both :D
Your message:

Dear Jiyong,
There's so much things I would love to tell you. So much..I want to tell you how much you mean to me; how much I wish you can come Singapore soon; how much you brighten up my life just like the moonlight brightens up the night sky; how much I love you. So much that my heart itself is not big enough to contain it all.
I have never thought that I'll ever listen to kpop. I remembered that I totally laughed at suju's sorry sorry mv and said that the group was crazy to have so many members. But then, on a rare chance, I stumbled upon you. Upon Heartbreaker. My life changed. When I saw Heartbreaker, I knew I had to know about you. I researched so much about you and joined bbvip forum. You're adorable. You're a perfectionist. And despite your tough and cool look you exert, I know that you are a very sensitive and emotional person. I wish I can get to know you. But then, it's probably impossible.
On this special day, 18th August '10, you've turned 23. So much had passed. You have achieved a lot, so much more than others could have. Heartbreaker and your solo debut is also on this day. Your solo concert was held on the same year. You have stayed strong and perserved through the obstacles. Fighting always, Jiyong<3
I think you're more than someone I idolised. You're a person I truly respect and look up to. You're my role model, and I aspire to be just like you, hardworking and passionate in the work you do.
Jiyong, saranghaeyo<3
Please come Singapore soon :D

Happy 4th anniversary! Its been 4 years! I first to know about BIGBANG due to haru haru. I love it. Every single song. Athough I'm a VIP for only a year, trust me, I'm going to be one forever. Just like BIGBANG 's going to be forever.
You're a legend in in itself.
Fighting BIGBANG<3 I'm waiting, no, anticipating your comeback! :D hwaiting~
Plaease come Singapore soon! :D
Your comment on this blog BIGBANG WORLD: AWESOME :) really. If i stay here any longer, i'm going to get an overdose xD hahha! Okay, being serious now. Your blog is really good. It has good links, updated news, vibrant community. What's more?
Great place for all VIPS to interact. Thanks for holding or organising such a meaningful competition :D i thank you from the bottom of my heart<3 ah how wish these messages would be sent to BIGBANG? :D Hehe. Anyway, THANKS :D

{ Lola } at: August 21, 2010 at 2:12 AM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Lola
2. Place of origin: Poland
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 14 (but in 2 weeks 15 XD)
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: blessing :)
6. Your message:
Wow.. Already 4 years. That's totally awesome! Even if I know BB since a half year, I feel like I knew you from the beginning. It's crazy. When I first heard "Haru Haru" it was something like "Wow. They are cool. I totally want to see more of them!" *typing into youtube: big bang mv"* XD Love at the first sigh exists really! And I know I’m gonna love you forever. No matter what you guys are going to do I will accept it and support you so much as I can :) And it'd be a dream come true if you guys came to Poland :) If I saw you I couldn't possibly say a word to you but who cares xD It would be anyway the best day in my life. You guys taught me that I should never give up... And because of you I love South Korea and Japan. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Soo... When I'm finally 18 I will fly to Korea to see you..... Keke~~ So see ya on your 7th or 8th anniversary! :DDD Can't wait!

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : Awesome site :) Thx for the news and everything! Fighting!~~

Anonymous at: August 23, 2010 at 4:28 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Joselle (full name: Ma. Joselle C. Eradio)
2. Place of origin:Philipppines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 15 years old
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut:I love you g-dragon oppa!!!1<3
6. Your message: Dear JiYong,,i will always be your number one fan...i will be always a v.i.p.
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : this is really awesome...i like this blog..=)

{ } at: August 24, 2010 at 12:54 AM said...

Keep those comments coming in guys, the closing date is near... The admins and I will judge on comments that touched our hearts and sound so true... No Geo Ji Mal aite...

Anonymous at: August 25, 2010 at 2:48 AM said...

Heyyy! It's Lola from Poland again xD I decided to do the bday message
to cuz I'm a little bit bored XD

Dear G-Dragon!
You are 23 years old! No one call tell you now that you are to young for
this for that etc. Keke~~ I hope you enjoyed your birthday with your
friends/family!^^ Sooo, here are my wishes for ya!
I wish you:
-tons of ideas for new songs!
-a girlfriend! :P (okay, every female VIP wants to be ur girlfriend,
but I hope u will find the right girl and I think we gonna accept it
and support ya!)
-good friends! Everybody needs someone who cares about him!
-many awesome performances with and without Big Bang!
-a World Tour so the whole world can see how great u are!<3
-all the best!!!!
And please bu yourself all the time! Don't change because someone (the
press for example...) don't like things which u are doing. Remember:
ur real fans are going to support u whatever u do until whenever!~~
because we love u no matter what:) and we know you love us too:) And
say "Thanks" to ur parents. Because of you I fall in love with
BB....:) and when I see u smiling I smile, when u r crying I have to
cry too. And thx for making me laugh so hard:) And for making me cry
while I read the translation of "Haru Haru" and "Until Whenever".
Thanks for everyhing! GD, sarangheayo!

Fuck. I'm crying....:')


Luckyb at: August 27, 2010 at 10:48 PM said...

1. Name: Luckyb
2. Place of Origin: Brunei Darussalam
3. Email:
4. Age: 18
5. Message to GD: Saengil Chukhayae Ji Yong oppa. In the years to come, no matter how many years in the future, you'll still be my number one!!
6. Happy Anniversary Big Bang! I still remember that faithful day in 2007 when I switched on MTV and I saw 'Lies' playing. I fell in love instantly. But I didn't catch the song name nor the band singing it. Then a few weeks passed and as soon as I turned on MTV there you were, title and all. Since that day, I've always been a V.I.P! I've been following you all throughout and cannot wait to see you perform live someday. I hope Big Bang will continue and I will wait for the day when you celebrate your 10th, 20th, 30th.... anniversary. Big Bang Hwaiting!!
7. Thank you for writing this blog. And I know many people are as grateful as I am for this.

Josephine L. at: August 30, 2010 at 1:24 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Josephine
2. Place of origin: eg. Canada
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 15
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut:Both (?)Not quiet sure what this message would categorize in.
6. Your message:
Dear Kwon Leadah,

I am one of your dear VIPs and I'm afraid this short message won't do much justice on how big your influence is on me. Everything you will do I am sure will have much success, so please just do your best in everything and do not work too hard. You might get sick >_< We don't want that happening do we? Ever since I met you I was positive that my life would forever be changed. Every thing you did I would just love! I have tried hating you and getting rid you off my life, but every time I try you would always come back to my life and my heart. I have never met a person like you, and I am sure that no man will ever match up to your personality and talents. You are always and forever my idol. Because of you I am now a better and changed person. Thanks to you my life is now full of happiness and joy. So thank you Ji Yong Oppa. Just remember that ten- no a century later I will always be a fan of you. You are now 23 years old, and with every year that passes by you will grow mentally and spiritually. Please don't let anything affect who you are. Your fans all love you just the way you are! We will always be behind you 100%. God sent you and the rest of Big Bang into my life for a reason. And so far it's been a blessing having you into my life. Just know every day I pray to God, thanking him for sending Big Bang into the world and into my life. There are so many reasons why I owe my life to you guys, but I'll just sum it up to one sentence. My personality, my smile, and my talents could not have been developed without Big Bang. You are truly the 'Big Bang' in my life. With you I was able to live and create a whole new world for myself. So thank you Ji Yong, Young Bae, Seung Hyun, Seungri, and Daesung Oppa. Thank you BIG BANG. Saranghaeyo!

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : <3 your blog. I just met this blog recently, and I have not been disappointed. You guys are soooo awesome~~~~

Anonymous at: August 30, 2010 at 1:26 PM said...

You guys are so awesome for doing this >_<

Anonymous at: August 30, 2010 at 1:37 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Princess
2. Place of origin: Virginia,USA
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 22
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut:Bday message to GD
6. Your message: Dear Jiyong (GD), don't u know that while I'm writing this message for u,it is my bday too :) yeah Jiyong were the same month of Aug. and as will at age..keke Anyway I wrote this message bcuz I want to greet u a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Do u know that ur my biggest bias/idol on kpop and BIGBANG is my heart too.You captured my heart through ur wonderful music.And ur the best artist that can do anything...rappng,singing,dancing..and composing.I won't getting tired listening to all ur songs.And my heart will always be beating just for u. :) I wish u more success to ur career and to BIGBANG also.VIPs will be always be here for BIGBANG and I'm always be here for u too.So don't stop making a good songs.Love u GD<333 Take care always<3
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? Ur site is awesome I think I will hang out here to get updates to our BigBang and be friends too as well~~ BIGBANG WORLD Fighting!!!

{ mine2love } at: August 30, 2010 at 2:01 PM said...

Name/Nickname: Minnie
Place of Origin: Cebu, Philippines
Authentic Email:
Age: (should I?)..... 27

Hi GD! I recently became a fan of BB & 2ne1.. HAPPY BDAY GD & HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BB!!! would like to congratulate you for reaching this far! You did a great job, you & the BB members.. I can still remember the first time I listened to your songs, I had goosebumps! I didnt know how talented Koreans are in music till I listened to BB & 2ne1 and I loved it! Since then, I became obsessed with vids of you & the crew and found ways to work, sleep & watch your vids... its always been like that since my exposure of BB & 2ne1! And despite of the critics that we're pointed at you, I firmly support you! You are an inspiration to young dreamers to never let others dictate you, you do what you love to do! You just keep up the great job you got there & always remember to smile coz your smile never fails to lighten up my mood! So whenever you're tired of what critics has to say, please do remember us, your supporters, who will never fail to support you despite the distance! I have to tell you this, though I'm damn old, your music makes me feel like a college student again! And because of BigBang & 2ne1, I now listen to other Kpop artists like SuJu.. Thank you GD, thank you for the great music you shared to everyone! God bless GD, BB & 2ne1!

PS: To the creator of BBWorld, you did a great job! despite my busy sched, I still get updated because of this site! Its OK for me not to win any prize as long as GD gets my message.. ♥ BB Rocks!

{ BBW } at: August 30, 2010 at 2:11 PM said...

LOL thanks alot guys for u're shoutout.. we will choose the best of the best message among of u guys.. so keep it up then^^

{ smartiesko } at: August 30, 2010 at 2:38 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: smartiesko
2. Place of origin: Philippines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 22
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: blessing for debut
6. Your message:


A BIG THANK YOU for sharing your music to us, it’s a God-given talent and I’m glad you are sharing that to the rest of the world by making good music. Your passion for music is one of the reasons why BIGBANG was formed, and I know that music will also keep you together for the rest of your lives. Your music holds all VIP’s together, no matter what language we speak or country where we belong. A strong bond that is impossible to break.

It’s been four years since your debut, and with that short span of time you have touched the lives of all the VIPs around the world. Your music gives joy and peace of mind to those who hear it. Your songs give us hope and inspiration whenever we feel hopeless and helpless. Your music is our FRIEND who is always there in our ups and downs.

Knowing BIGBANG and their music is one of the wonderful memories of my youth which I will treasure for the rest of my life. Memories that will make me smile when I’m old whenever I’m reminiscing my past while sitting on a rocking chair. And most of all, the lessons we learned from all your hardships and all the trials that you’ve encountered, these will stay in our minds and hearts forever.

THANK YOU for sharing us your MUSIC.. for sharing us your DREAMS. We promise that we will always be here to support you and help you reach your goals as one team. ONE VIP. ONE FAMILY.

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : Thank you for all your efforts on updating us on everything about BIGBANG!! 화이팅!!

{ Michelle C } at: August 30, 2010 at 8:32 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: michigan
2. Place of origin: MSIA
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 14
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: BDAY message to our Kwon Leader! & BIGBANG IS V.I.P!
6. Your message: to G-Dragon oppa, our forever BIGBANG Kwon Leader! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! thank you for producing amazing music, which inspired me so much in life(as in drawing, etc). everytime i break down, your videos/rapping/music always cheered me up and made my everyday. therefore, i hope that all V.I.P messages here(including mine) can give you the energy to keep on fighting and lead BIGBANG to better paths!

it's been 4 years since your debut! 4 years, and we can see how hard you guys worked to put on awesome performances and produce great music that i couldn't find any good enough words to describe.
hey, don't cry and smile more!
V.I.P will always be there supporting our oppa, right? just like how you guys shared your wonderful music with us~!
and according to Seungri oppa, BIGBANG would have the 10th, 50th, 100th anniversary till forever because BIGBANG and V.I.P, we are a family!
knowing BIGBANG and V.I.P are one of the best things in my life even though many people around me had told me not to be too fanatic over you guys but it's only a way of showing my support and love to BIGBANG.
G-Dragon oppa, here is my answer to your question on whether i would still love you in another 10 years!
YES YES YES, definitely YES.
i can't imagine being another day without you, for you're my Butterfly~!
in another 10 years, you would find me sitting in front of the laptop watching BIGBANG music videos or listening to your songs... or well, maybe i would be outside the building of YGE, stalking for you guys. ^^
yes, i believe that BIGBANG and V.I.P would always be together! 영원히 HAPPY TOGETHER~ <3<3

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : your blog is neat and thank you guys so much for keeping updates on BIGBANG's news, photos etc etc, V.I.Ps appreciate this! ^^

{ v3l3no-ansa } at: August 30, 2010 at 10:39 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname:v3l3no-ansa
2. Place of origin:Greece
3. Authentic
4. Age:21
Hello~hello Gd
i am big fan of Gd since i saw him in a k-show ..he was sooo cool he appeared with his sunglasses on (...that's so GD :D) and i become bigger fan since i realised how much talend there is in him after i watched the documentary .18th August is epic day for everyone coz that day Big Bang Leader was born ....A BIG BIG THANK to GD's mother,don't forget ,if she didn't drag GD to the whole auditions when he was lil, we wouldnt have him today and without him we wouldnt be able to listen to his beautiful music that he makes!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE his fashion sense he is such a fashionista whatever he wears it becomes trend whatever he sings the same =D
~~Oppa...happy birthday!!!!!!!!
A day after 18 August is the BigBang birth .......Happy 4th anniversary BigBang!!!!!!!! i LOVE u ALL keep up the good work .i am so happy watching this boys working with the same passion after 4 years!! -i am so happy watching this boys to be succeed not only in Korea but in Japan as well after 4 years!!i hope after 4 years from now BigBang will still have the same inspiration ,passion and success!!!!
BigBng ~Fighting~Fighting~ya~ya~ya
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? :your blog is the BEST keep it up thanks for bb updates VIPs just love u =D ~fighting

{ Mira } at: August 31, 2010 at 12:45 AM said...

i am excited to read people story too..tonite its increasing!

{ berybizkyt } at: August 31, 2010 at 1:27 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Bery
2. Place of origin: Malaysia
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 21
5. B day message to GD and blessing for debut
6. Your message:

Dear Big Bang,
The best thing about me is being a part of VIP

Please let me love all of you for now
because i'm afraid in the next life
am i able to love you guys like this?
i'm afraid in the next life
can i remembered all your lyrics like now
i'm afraid if in next life
i'm not a truly VIP anymore.

just let me love you in this life.
because in the next life,
i'm really scared i don't know
what is Big Bang means to me.

It’s only been 1 year since i know Bigbang
It’s a short time, I know..
I can’t be compared to those VIP who has supported you since 19 August 2006
But, I'm sure that I’ll support all of you,
no matter what decisions you all make,
till the very end.

Please let me love you for this time...

ji yong oppa, you're are the one that lead Big Bang until now
I’ve always felt that you’re the most charming member.
with your best friend Taeyang who always support you.
and your hyung T.O.P who always protect you
Daesung who always smile no matter what happen
and maknae, Seungri who bring lots of laughs to you.
can u do this for me?
smile more okay, oppa??
Happy Birthday oppa.

You are Big Bang that belongs to VIP.
This is something that cannot be changed..
All VIP can do for you is:
love you,love you very much,very much!
You guys cheers me with your song
make my day when i watch your variety show
and make me smile when i see your smile
Big Bang will protect VIP
VIPs will protect Big Bang too

I cry, I smile, I laugh, because of Big Bang
I've let you on into my brain.
Big Bang, let me love you this time.
Happy 4th anniversary.
I love you guys.

7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? : Thanks for making this site. it's super duper great! you makes me smile each day.

{ marz } at: August 31, 2010 at 6:03 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: MARZ
2. Place of origin: Philippines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 22
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Both
6. Your message: Kwon Ji Yong HAppy 23rd Birthday!!! you are the most talented and artistic person i know!I pray that you will have many years to come, many songs to sing, lyrics to compose and friends to make as part of your family/life. You deserve all the success you have now. Thank you for sharing your talent to the world! continue to SHINE your LIGHT with us!
Happy 4th Anniversary to BIGBANG! the best group in the whole universe!. may you continue to Bang our world with you BIG talent!.. Im proud to be a VIP!!!
7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World) : the best! its a place where VIP's meet. a place of friendship.. love this blog! you rock!

{ andhiesm } at: August 31, 2010 at 7:01 PM said...

1. Name/Nickname: Andhie
2. Place of origin: Philippines
3. Authentic email:
4. Age: 23 (and proud!)
5. B day message to GD/ blessing for debut: Both
6. Your message:

Happy Happy Birthday GD!!!
I’m either lost of words or just have too many to say for I dunno how to start! I’ll do it the simplest but coming straight from the heart~~~ THANK YOU. For sharing your talent to the world. For shining the light. For making us BREATHE with your charms. You are mosdef our No. 1 leader…WASSUP! Seriously, thank your parents (include your ancestry as well) for being born and inspiring a lot of people and making good music and simply living the life. *exhale* You being Yourself and True, make VIPs love you more. We’re here to support you and we know you know that. So just keep doing your thing and what you’re good at. Just be GD and love us VIPs!

B.I.G to the BANG!!!!
GD, TOP, TAEYANG, DAESUNG, SEUNGRI…congratulations for 4 years of non-stop VIP Love…and still going! I’m so proud to call myself a VIP. I can have the line on my epitaph! (It’s not being morbid, merely showing you how proud I am). I never ever get tired listening to your songs, I often got it on playback~you have everything to suit our mood. It always seems like I hear it for the first time~it gives the “first kiss” feeling. *blushes* I’m just so overwhelmed and happy when I get to show my love and talk about BigBang…We’ll be patiently waiting for more GOOD MUSIC, AWARDS, and PERFS! VIP LOVE BB!


7. Your Comment about our blog (Bigbang World)? :

Rice is a fantastic admin!!! < agree

On a serious note, BigBang’s World dedication and love for BB and VIPs are really amazing…not enough words to describe. More like, you guys are Larger than Life. Thank You. (I’m serious with Rice’s comment to BigBang World…:P) Good Things indeed happens to Good People.

{ BBW } at: September 5, 2010 at 12:42 AM said...

****CONTEST already CLOSED!~~~ WE'll announce the 5 winners soon! might be more... LOL!XD so wait for that!^^

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