What do you eat before you go on the stage?
V.I.: Oolong Tea. (I love it)
D-Lite: I don’t really eat anything before the concert, but I do eat bananas and boiled eggs.
G-Dragon: Red Bull
T.O.P: Bananas! I always try my best not to drink alcohol….. (I was just kidding ok?). I usually don’t eat dinner the day before the concert either. But I do drink 1 bottle of wine.. if I drink more then that, I will get wasted.
(We know on the stage from fans are #1)
SOL: My hotel room in Japan
V.I: Inside the car, on the way to the concert. I like to think about how to perform on the stage.
D-Lite: Right now (During this interview of Shukan Josei/Women Weekly). After that is my bed, I can gain so much energy from sleeping.
G-Dragon: Right before the concert begins. I concentrate so much so I do get a lot of energy. After the concert begins, I just perform with all I have and I usually don’t remember what I did after.
T.O.P: On stage
Our readers of this magazine are probably all older then you. Do you consider going out with older ladies?
SOL: If I really love the person, I don’t really care for the age.
V.I: I’m usually working with older people, so I don’t mind. But I would like to go out with younger girls as well.
D-Lite: No problem! I don’t care about age!
G-Dragon: I’m okay with it… but maybe the girl won’t feel comfortable thinking that we have nothing in common to talk about.
T.O.P: Age doesn’t matter.