See More BIGBANG at Seoul-Tokyo Music Festival HERE!
I was at the concert yesterday, and I can tell you that more than 90% (I would say 95%, but just not to sound biased...) of the lightsticks were BIGBANG ones, whether the Korean yellow crown or the Japanese crowned-B. It was like in the picture during the whole concert (in fact, it looked more yellow in real life than in the picture). And there was a huge difference in the atmosphere when BB performed and when the other artists did. After BB, the groups that got more cheers from the audience were 2NE1, KARA and CNBlue.
Also, at the entrance of the concert hall there were boxes for presents, as usual in Japan, and only BB and 2NE1's were full. Some artists didn't have anything, and some just a couple. But I was really surprised to see 2NE1's box, soooo full.
And 2NE1's hoodies were the first goods to get SOLD OUT too, really quickly btw. I think 2NE1 will do well when they debut in Japan in December.
And back to BB, I thought they would sing 7 songs, like they did for Kpop Night @ Singapore, but they didn't sing How Gee and Last Farewell... T_T But it was awesome nonetheless. ^^

JVIPs are soooo amazing... with the Lightstick!^^
Credits: susifg@bigbangupdates.com
Shared by EstJiyong@BigbangWorld Share Tweet
OMG! This is so great! JVIP was so luckily that they've been there.. o_o
omo,u r so lucky~u should take a picture of bigbang's box/2ne1's box,i really want to see it,hehe~
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