Insight Korea Panel conducted a survey with a total of 5070 participants who named the celebrity they wanted to spend Lunar New Years the most with, #1 was Hyunbin. 2835 adults over the age of 20 (28.2%) picked none other than popular recently aired drama “Secret Garden”‘s chadonam (cold city guy) Hyunbin as the celebrity they’d want, showing the after storm of popular drama Secret Garden.
At #2 with 24.7% of the votes was Big Bang. In particular Hyunbin showed a lot of popularity amongst married couples. 25.8% of respondents that were married chose Hyunbin, while 21% of the unmarried respondents picked Big Bang. Workers and housewives 23.1%, and 31.1% respectively, chose the celebrity that they want to return home with is Hyunbin.
Added! Lets check this guys, BIGBANG faces photoshopped onto 'Secret Garden' so funny! Lol~