See the Video Cuts "HERE"!
Daesung: Hello?Seungri: Hello
Daesung: Uh what is it?
Youngja: Daesung-shi
Daesung: Ah! Hello nuna!
Youngja: What is Seungri's position in the team?
Daesung: Seungri is like the seasoning
Youngja: So it doesn't matter whether he's there or not?
Daesung: Not quite the main dish but yeah...
Youngja: Daesung-shi
Daesung: Yes
Youngja: After 'VVIP' and 'What Should I Do' was released, Seungri didn't get to hear your response. What are your honest feelings?
Daesung: I thought he did so well so 'what should I do'?
Youngja: Are those your honest feelings or for the broadcast?
Daesung: This is going on air right?
Youngja: Yes
Daesung: Then please use this one.
Hyungjin: Then Daesung-shi, even though Seungri is doing so well is there anything you think he needs to fix?
Daesung: Isn't he revealing too many secrets about his hyungs?
Seungri: The same could be said about you people talking about me as well!
Daesung: But we're covering for it with our love
Youngja: Daesung-shi just one last question. Why do you think G-Dragon and TOP aren't answering their phones? We were using Seungri's phone to call them.
Daesung: Because of all the things he's done to them up till now...
Youngja: So it's not because they're busy right?
Daesung: Yes they should be sufficiently awake if it's this time.
Youngja: After we end this call we're going to call Taeyang. Do you think he'll answer?
Daesung: I can't guarantee it.
Seungri: Hello?
Taeyang: Hello
Hyungjin: Taeyang-shi
Taeyang: Hello?
Hyungjin: Yes this is Gong Hyung Jin
Taeyang: Ah hello!
Youngja: Haha! His voice completely changed
Hyungjin: What sort of existence is Seungri for the team?
Taeyang: Seungri is like the endorphin for our team
Hyungjin: Endorphin?
Taeyang: Yeah
Hyungjin: What is something Seungri needs to fix?
Taeyang: Uh.. I think he wants to be good at too many things. I hope he'll let go of his greed and focus on just one area now.
Youngja: Taeyang-shi!
Taeyang: Yes
Youngja: I heard everyone is worried about Seungri whenever he goes out. Because of his mouth.
Taeyang: Yes, we get extremely worried.
Youngja: So far he's said nothing about Taeyang. After we end this call we're going to ask him about you.
Taeyang: Seungri.
Seungri: Yeah
Taeyang: I'm begging you. Please say things that are true.
Seungri: Hahaha. Of course I said things that are true. When have I ever...
Taeyang: You say things that are made up.
Seungri: Ok see you later.
Taeyang: Ok
TOP: Hello?
Seungri: AH! TOP HYUNG!
TOP: Are you drunk?
Seungri: No I'm not drunk. I'm on a talk show called "Taxi".
TOP: B... broadcast?
Seungri: Yes
TOP: Ah... Hello
Hyungjin: Ah TOP-shi
TOP: Yes hello sunbaenim
Hyungjin: Where are you now?
TOP: I'm getting an injection of Ringer's solution
Hyungjin: Aigoo because you're tired... Honestly, have you ever avoided Seungri?
TOP: No I've never avoided him, but he doesn't usually call me...
TOP: I'm a bit sad...
Hyungjin: Ah TOP-shi so, As a hyung, what does Seungri need to fix?
TOP: Consideration?
HyungJin: Consideration huh. So he's too used to receiving?
TOP: Yeah, so as Seungri goes out, when he meets people he's not familiar with. For us we know that Seungri doesn't mean any harm, but people that aren't familiar with him could misunderstand easily.
Hyungjin: Ah because there could be misunderstandings.
TOP: Yes.
Youngja: TOP, this is Lee Young Ja, I just want to ask one thing.
TOP: Yes hello sunbaenim
Youngja: Yes, TOP's relationships are movies, is what Seungri said. And hyung says that he doesn't like girls, but in reality he does. Are you really not interested in girls?
TOP: Ah but I'm still a 25 year old, and as a healthy Korean male of course I'm interested, but I try not to let myself get too careless.
Youngja: Ah of course, then what do you personally think of your relationship style? My love is in one word, like this...
TOP: Hmm well, I think I lose all reason, and tend to go all-in. I think I fall in love a lot.
Youngja: Ah my love is all-in. Then what do you think of Seungri? He said that his love is like Kim Joo Won. He gives a lot. If you were to describe Seungri's love what would it be?
TOP: I think he's the type that says that the main character of the drama he likes at the time is his sort of love.
TOP: Sort of like an octopus.
Hyungjin: TOP-shi, after the "TOP TOP TOP" incident did Seungri change a bit?
TOP: Yesterday we were on the radio with Choi Hwa Jung sunbaenim, but she said that she saw the "TOP TOP TOP" thing, and Seungri said "His english name is TOP and isn't it weird to say hyung after that sunbaenim?"
Youngja: Really? Did he really say that?
TOP: Yeah. Choi Hwa Jung sunbaenim said "Yeah, when you call him Seung Hyun it's right to call him hyung, but if it's an english name and you don't want to say hyung I think it's alright." And Seungri said "Of course! G-Dragon is just G-Dragon. And when I call TOP I just call him TOP".
Youngja: When he said that what did you think?
TOP: Ah I've already given up so it's alright.
G-Dragon: Hello?
Seungri: Hello? Hyung where are you?
G-Dragon: Hyung... The hair shop...
Seungri: Ah hyung are you doing your hair?
G-Dragon: Yeah
Seungri: Hyung you seem very tired?
G-Dragon: Why?
Seungri: Ah hyung I'm filming a show called "Taxi" right now.
G-Dragon: Ah
Seungri: Hyung just a second
Youngja: Hello Dragon this is Lee Young Ja
G-Dragon: Yes hello nuna
Youngja: Did you see? I call him Dragon
Youngja: G-Dragon answered the phone last
G-Dragon: I answered last?
Youngja: Yeah so we kept trying because it seemed like you were avoiding Seungri?
G-Dragon: No I wasn't avoiding him, but I didn't know I had received a call.
Youngja: Ah is that so. Apparently your relationship style is one where you'll write songs for the one you love.
G-Dragon: Did he say that?
Youngja: Yeah he said that.
G-Dragon: If Seungri says that it must be so...
Youngja: Have you ever been caught by Seungri?
G-Dragon: I thought I'd never been caught by Seungri, but seeing that he knows that he must have caught me.
Youngja: Then as the leader Dragon what would you call Seungri's relationship style?
G-Dragon: Manly
Youngja: Dragon, I'll give the phone over to Seungri, so as the leader if there's anything worrying you about him please say it.
Seungri: Yes hyung.
G-Dragon: Yeah Seungri.. We're a team. Don't say anything stupid.
G-Dragon: Whenever you go out the hyungs really worry.
Seungri: Hyung, I couldn't cook the meat before right?
G-Dragon: Yeah
Seungri: I'm actually on my way to cook meat right now
G-Dragon: Yeah you need to cook this time, you need to get out there and cook something.
Seungri: Ok hyung watch the broadcast and see how well I cook the meat.
G-Dragon: Alright
Seungri: Hyung it seems like you and all the members are worried a lot because I went on a talk show?
G-Dragon: Everything about you is worrying.
Seungri: Anyway, thank you and see you later.
translated by: flibbertigibbet@6theory.com
Shared by Est@BigbangWORLD
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