The Director of Baby Goodnight MV tweets!:~
SXIVA gibeak lee:
올해 두번째 뮤비인 베이비 굿나잇이 공개 되었네요. 원래 만든 버젼이 너무너무너무*100야해서 한 몇억배 순화시킨 버젼이라 내용이 잘 전달은 안되었지만.언젠가 공개할수 있을날이 올까요.19금 버젼 베이비 굿나잇 ㅎㅎ
Translation: This year the second MV, 'Baby Goodnight', has been released. The original version is very very very x100 vulgar but because it has been 'purified' thousand times the meaning is not delivered very well. But someday the revealing time will come. The 19+ rated version of Baby Goodnight. Haha~
SXIVA gibeak lee:
뭐 야하단게 행위나 외설적인게 아니라 심상이나 미장센적으로 야하다고 느껴진거 였답니다.지인분들은 한번 사무실 들리시길 ㅎㅎ 이제 집.가.
Translation: What I mean by vulgar is not because the actions were obscene, but because the image or the Mise-en-Scene have this vulgar feel. Friends who knows can come to the office Haha Now going. home.

p/s: OMG! 19+ version. the mv's seems HOT! just go on yo! haha~
Source: @SXIVA + Trans by: Winalicious@BBVIP.net
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