The people who went to the concert said this. Because SeungRi is the most energetic, he stood out.
Since I’m the youngest, I have better strength… There are many people who traveled from a far place to see the concert, and in reality, it’s a rare chance for many people to see Big Bang up close so I tend to move around a lot for those people.
I cried after getting first place at a Lunar New Year Idol Special Program.
For some reason, I was touched. Since it’s been 2 years and 3 months since I’ve appeared on air, other artists were really close with each other. I was lonely, but since Big Bang doesn’t really appear on those programs, I worked hard and I wanted to break the people’s stereotypes.
The way you talk on talk shows, you don’t seem like the polite, youngest member of the group.
If you’re not polite, then you won’t survive in this world. But the character named SeungRi, I think people won’t like it if he was polite or quiet or was even serious or was a reserved person. From the audience’s point of view, I think SeungRi’s character is necessary among the five members of Big Bang cause it’ll make it more fun. I have the heart to make people’s heart feel refreshed without having to pretend. Making it feel refreshed coolly, I think that kind of character fits more with me. My thought was to wrap it up with my witty side so that people don’t see me as a bad person or have a bad attitude. But at times, I do feel scared after seeing some misunderstandings. I think it’s possible for people to turn their backs on you after one simple mistake when they were the ones who told me I was doing a good job.
SeungRi’s image in “Strong Baby” was strong. The boy who wants to become a man quickly.
The concept was an adult ceremony, but this grown man wanted to hear that he was sexy. I think that’s cute.
These days, within Big Bang, Daesung is the sexy one, so aren’t you jealous?
I’m not jealous. These days, I want to hear that I’m funny more. Wouldn’t you say the sexiness a woman finds in a male would be their humorous side? A guy who’s no fun is not charming at all.
Did you always have interest in fashion or style?
Whew. I didn’t even know what Dolce & Gabbana was. Jiyong hyung and TOP hyung always did hip-hop so they were always interested in clothes, but I was just a kid who didn’t know about that stuff and just danced. I just learned one by one as I became part of Big Bang. I want to be a guy who has sense rather than a fashionista. Don’t women like men who dresses well rather than having really good looks?

Of course. That’s the interest all guys have.
Do you have a designer you like?
I like John Galliano. A long time ago, they looked like clothes that was hard to wear, but these days there are details that I didn’t think of and they make clothes with special characteristics, making the clothes really cool.
You must have felt bad about about the recent retirement of Dior.
I felt we’re all human beings. In the perspective of a designer or an idea, it’s a genius, but because of the lack of mind control, they made a sad mistake but we’re all human beings and we’re eventually going to make some kind of mistake. I believe it’s right to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again rather than receiving a punishment for it. Even for the fans who loved Dior, and I’m one of those fans.
How do you feel about debuting as a professional before becoming an adult?
If it’s something that I must do, then I think it’s better to start early. If you want to jump into this world, you have to sacrifice a lot of things. At times, I think you have to give up some things in order to achieve your dream. What I’m trying to say is, in order to achieve your future dream, your romance and imagination about it will break. There are times when it’s hard to overcome that.
What does dark circles mean to SeungRi?
My steadiness? It will never change.
I believe each of the member’s individual talent came out in this album. In SeungRi’s part, which side of it do you think was stressed?
I believe it’s the part where I can take a break. The part where the ears become comfortable. There are times when people will pay attention to the rap and singing parts of the other members, but I say if a voice that’s not burdening is a charm, then I believe it’s a charm.
You seem to be very selfish. What more do you want to do?
I need to lessen it a bit. But as time passes, it becomes more fun. I think it would be great if there was a chance where the 3 vocals can come together and sing coolly. I really want to sing.
See more photos of 'Big Bang on W Korea Magazine'
Credit Scan by: 구ㅣ요미♡ + Translated by: solshin3@21bangs.com
Shared by Xera@BigBangWORLD