Looks like Park Myung Soo received his wishes. During MBC "Infinity Challenge", which aired on May 7th, the continuation of last week’s preparations for a dinner show was aired. Members Yoo Jae Suk, Jung Hyung Don, Jung Jun Ha, Noh Hong Chul, HaHa, Gil, and Park Myung Soo were to create a team with musicians Lee Juk, Psy, Bada, Sweet Soul, 10 cm, Jung Jae Hyung, and Big Bang’s G-Dragon.
Last week, Park Myung Soo expressed his affections towards G-Dragon by hugging him as they appeared. Park Myung Soo also focused all his concentration and looked only at G-Dragon throughout the broadcast, not giving any second glances at any other singers.
For the selections, Park Myung Soo and Jung Jun Ha appeared before G-Dragon. G-Dragon, forewarned them, stating, “When I’m working, I get very sensitive.” “CEO Yang Hyun Suk will always be there when I’m working.”. However, despite this, Park Myung Soo didn’t waver and in the end G-Dragon chose Park Myung Soo to be his partner.
With G-Dragon and Park Myung Soo as a team, they decided their group name would be “G-Dragon Min-Duragon”. Other teams that formed is as follows: Jung Hyung Don-Jung Jae Hyung, Noh Hong Chul-Psy, Yoo Jae Suk-Lee Juk, Gil-Bada, HaHa-10cm, and Jung Jun Ha-Sweet Soul.
Shared by Trisya@BigBangWORLD
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