

[FANACCOUNT] G-Dragon most affected with Daesung's News 'Part A' (110625)

| Saturday, June 25
Note: She is a Chinese VIP living in Seoul & attended the mini concert today. Before she wrote the fan account, she wrote “what should I write? If I tell exactly what happened a lot of people will be sad”. So, read at your own risk.

(Part B is coming along because she keeps posting new stuff out…)

Kwon Jiyong was wearing sunglasses when he came out. He was dressed all in black and was even wearing a hat. All of us off stage were saying how good he looked!! Perhaps I was the only person who thought this but while he was greeting everyone, he looked lifeless. From my perspective, he looked like he was the most affected with Daesung’s news. He didn’t even hide his feelings. I believe it’s because he’s the leader and he feels a sense of responsibility. I rarely saw him laugh today, and if he did, it was the laugh where he held his hand over his mouth. 
I heard from the fans at the front that Kwon Ji Yong’s eyes were all red and he was crying. He also took off his rings. After he did that, he performed even more intense. Hm. Today, Taeyang and the rest kept patting him on his shoulders or tried to play with him, but he still barely smiled. 
One of Taeyang’s questions today was: “If you were a girl, which member would you want to date?” Taeyang laughed then said the question was too outdated. Seungri said, “Then let me ask! Taeyang, where did you get your cute hat from?” (I don’t really remember but I think it was like that) & then Taeyang answered shyly. 
At the end the MC asked Seungri “Then where did you get your cute glasses from?”Seungri answered that the glasses were lense-less. TOP then suddenly ran over to where Seungri was and pretended to put his 2 fingers into Seungri’s glasses. 
In the middle when they were preparing to sing La La La, Sunset Glow, Haru Haru etc, they used beatbox to accompany them. It was like a remix because they didn’t sing the whole song. Seungri almost finished beatboxing through the whole thing!! Impressive!! Fans off stage all said they all wanted to hear La La La, but == they forgot their lyrics since it’s been a long time since they sang it and their tune were a bit rusty. 
During mid break, the MC asked who had the most confidence in dance or who had a special ability and then it was supposed to be the fans going on stage right? The first male fan who went on stage shocked everyone….Daesung! When I looked, I was shocked too. He looked so much like Daesung. His eyes, the way he smiled…and even the way he danced was oddly similar. When I looked at him, I felt my tears rolling down. 
At the Q&A, Seungri sang a song about rain and Kwon Ji Yong finally laughed. I felt that it was the most warming laugh he gave during the entire event. Afterwards, I didn’t dare look at Kwon Ji Yong’s eyes. He was sad and he barely hid it. Perhaps he was thinking of what happened to him in 2009. The 3 members were trying hard to bring up the atmosphere. 
When they sang Last Farewell, TOP changed his usual hand move from up to down. It was really cute. TOP then teased Taeyang and then he did the same with Seungri.

Someone asked TOP a question like which member do you miss the most. The atmosphere got really tense at that point. Everyone was silent then TOP answered, “I miss all the members” ? (Can’t really remember) Daesung’s name was never mentioned during this event but when it came to his part, especially when Seungri and Kwon Ji Yong put their hands on each other’s shoulders, something was missing: Daesung’s smile.
P/S:: Aww he so sweet. he must be think of Dae .. T__T

Source: @weibo +Trans: mystifize@twitter//via jwalkervip@tmblr


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