Note: Seungri started his university life at Chung-Ang University on Feb.26, 2010.
My senior who learns languages with me is a Shinhwa fan of 10yrs and goes to the same university as Seungri. She is really good at Math and by coincidence picked the same Math class as Seungri (Author’s note: Seungri is so smart == she said the course was hard). She’s a foreigner that always sits in the first row and one day after class, Seungri ran up to greet her,
“Hello! I’m BIGBANG’s Seungri, nice to meet you! Do you know BIGBANG?” My friend looked at him then told him calmly that she was a Shinhwa fan and even asked him if he was a fan of them. Seungri was taken aback and answered, “….Yes…..”
She said that Seungri is very enthusiastic in class. He always tries to answer questions the professor asks and he is very talkative. For example, when he explains to fellow students about a particular question he can use his hands and feet to draw the audience in, just like how he is on a variety show!
If Seungri is in a class, sitting at the front are actual students of the course and at the back are mostly people/fans that are only there to watch him ==;

Source: victory baidu thread + mystifize@twitter
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD
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