

[PHOTOS] More Taeyang with fans! (110705)

| Wednesday, July 6
the image

Here's what she shared on her tumblr:~
The first thing he asked me was “Are you Japanese!?” lol and then gave my mom a hug while saying “I LOVE YOU!” and the same to me too but patted my head too..
the image 
I asked for an autograph, he signed it with my name and after took a picture! while checking the picture he was next to me looking at it too and patted my head again.. after he hugged me again and patted my head again and left and told me thank you<3
I'll write a real fan account soon, but it was an amazing day!!.....
here a pic with Taeyang (@realtaeyang) he's such a nice guy
They both are so lucky!..See more photos of taeyang in L.A 'here', 'here' & 'here'

Source: christineee09@FB + bAkaniShELa@twitter + muchier@tmblr + via samosvetlee@soompi
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD

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