

[PHOTO] Eric Tweets to Se7en about younger G-Dragon! (110705)

| Tuesday, July 5
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Translation: @officialse7en Why! Why!! Just me!!! hehe I remember a long time ago when we gathered we used to play with baby GD. Now he's grown so much and become an adult man, it's interesting seeing him on TV hehe Back then or now, you're still the same~ keep in touch ma homeboy!

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Shinwha's Eric, tweeted earlier about remember how GD used to play on his lap when he was younger. GD commented on knowing the members of Shinwha while training at SM Entertainment during a previous interview :
"When I first went in after signing the contract, it was before SM really found its place. Because of that, I wouldn’t practice everyday. It would be once a month or once every three months. I bet SM people won’t even remember me.  
I wasn’t noticeable really unless I was dancing. I’m not really good looking now but back then I had a face of a brat. I danced pretty well but couldn’t really sing. The company couldn’t really figure out what to do with me. I used to play on Shinhwa hyungs’ knees but I bet they can’t remember that."

Source: @miclarge1 AKP + trans: flibbertigibbet@6theory
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