Ok so if you’re expecting like a freakin amazing fan account.. this won’t be. i suck at these things haha. So anyways i went to the pentaport rock festival today in incheon.
Before i start talking about the boys’ stage i just need to say something about big bang fans. their korean fans are pretty chill.. at least the ones around my age. like.. college student age. the young ones are scary. they are.. creepy obsessed. but their japanese fans.. they.. are something else.
Omg. especially the japanese ahjummas. omg. one of them was standing behind me during the entire set (because the rock festival is a standing concert) and she just kept trying to make me move. she even freakin tried to push my head the side to make me move until i turned around was just like, “look lady i’m sorry but there is no fcking room for me to move” …except without the cussing, and a lot nicer.. and in korean/english because i can’t speak japanese lol. but yea. just saying. japanese ahjumma VIPs.. are something else -__-
moving on. the boys were scheduled to perform at 6:30pm but they didn’t get on stage till around 6:45pm. but we did get to watch gd&top rehearse about 30 minutes before from afar.

First up was taeyang. he pretty much opened the supertraxx special at the pentaport festival. he started off with superstar and break down. then sang michael jackson’s i want you back, and then ended off with look only at me. that final song was AMAZING by the way. he did this really slow and dramatic rendition of it before switching it up halfway and finishing up the song at it’s normal tempo.
But honestly taeyang’s whole stage was pretty damn amazing because he performed with a live band that kind of put a rock twist to his songs, which i’m pretty sure was on purpose seeing as it IS a rock festival. by the way.. that man may be hot in pictures.. BUT DAMN THAT MAN IS SEXY IN PERSON. he is WAYYY sexier in person than in pictures and he didn’t even lift his shirt up or anything and fao;sdjfl;adksjflakjdfl;j omfg lemme just.. unf. but the most surprising part about his entire performance was when he cussed. some time during his performance he just goes “PUT YOUR MOTHER FCKING HANDS UP” and i was just like wtf when did you you start cussing?!?! O_O lol
Anyways. gd&top’s stage was naturally next. first thing i said when i saw top was, “I FOUND WALDO” because of his cute little red & white striped sweater lol. i dunno if it was the outfit but he looked so.. adorable? in person.. unlike the usual ‘tall dark and handsome sexy beast’ image of him i have in my brain hahaha. gd definitely came out with all the swag that man can carry, lookin miiiiighty fine in his jeans, white tee, blazer, and top hat.
They started off with oh yeah, with gd “singing” bom’s parts. i said “singing” because halfway through he gave up on singing and just had the audience sing her parts for them lol. then they switched to knock out, complete with a bright red tank on stage. at this point i seriously felt like top’s outfit just did not work with that song/stage, but hell that man could have worn a potato sack and i still would have loved it. anyways after knock out they ended it off with high high of course. definitely a song that gets everybody moving. and obviously the surprising part of their stage was when jiyong randomly took his hat off and BAM. all you see is shaved head, and all you hear around you are fans going “OMG HIS HAIR” LOL...

Anyways. technically high high was to be their last song but they did an “encore” and brought taeyang back on stage with them, and so their final song altogether was hands up. i really reallyyy liked that stage, especially because they didn’t really sing seungri or daesung’s parts. i know that sounds weird, but i honestly felt like they were sending a message like.. “this is big bang’s song and its not complete unless all of big bang is together.” i dunno. just my take on it. but anyways. taeyang of course did his regular fanservice of throwing his towel into the crowd before they exited the stage.
As a side note can i just say that kwon young deuk is looking freakin sexy these days. hot damn that boy has been working out. he needs to wear wife beaters more often haha.
k well.. that’s it. i have pictures and a fancam but i think i’ll upload those later on. gd’s ninja korean fans have already uploaded a million pics anyways so mine are probably not that interesting to stare at in comparison. i’ll definitely get those up some time this weekend though.

The pic of the Day! kekeke~
Source: bbspazz@tumblr
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD
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