Little Kwon Jiyong is suffering from Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infants so he needs 2 million wons for her monthly medical care. Thanks to the generous donators that his family is able to support this heavy medical burden now.
This is our little G-Dragon! Thank you for all of you who have helped Jiyong to achieve his dream. of living healthily. On 15th, June, Kwon Ji Yon (Male/4 years old) came to our office.He was diagnosed to have ' persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infants' 2 or 3 years ago. The once seemed-to-be-so-fragile boy has now transformed into a very healthy one which really surprised us.
Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in infants is a disease which we we can find in little kids. These kids have low blood glucose level for their Insulin is abnormally active. Since this disease will be associated with muscle fatigues, if it is not dealt with at the beginning stage, the kids might become mentally retarded,etc In the worst case, the suffered children might die of brain damage. Because the medicine for this disease is rare, the medical expense for their family mounts up as high as 2 million wons.

The income of the father is not even enough to support the daily expense of the 4 family mentions, not to mention the heavy medical expense. They had already been indebted to more than 90 million wons by that time. The kids who are suffering from this disease have to take medicine until they are 3 years old, then their body can moderate the level of insulin by himself. However, during the period that they have to undergo the medical treatment, it is very torturing to both of the patients and the family.
When the family were very desperate about their situation, Mr Peter Wong and the members of GD-supporters.com have ignited their hope. Thanks to them, little Jiyong can continue his medical treatment and ever since last September, his medical expense has decreased by 200000 wons each month.

In June, 2009, little Jiyong came to our office with his brother.

In March, 2010, Jiyong was still not allowed to take away the operational tube from his nose.

The fans use the love that they have towards the star to save a life. The members of GD-supporters.com happened to know the case of little Jiyong because the the kid and the star share the same name. Starting from August, 2009, they started to donate 1 million wons per month to support this family. Up til now, they have already donated 28 million wons. Part of the donation go to the kids who are suffering from kidney disorders.
The health of little Jiyong has been getting better day by day. Although there is still a long way to go before he can end his medical treatment, we anticipate that one day, he can live healthily without any medicine intake.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you the members of GD-supporters.com, who show the love that they have towards the star in this generous way. We hope that you can support little Jiyong until the day he is fully recovered.
OMG! I almost cry bout this kid, hope he get well soon... ;(
source: Naver + Translation: Rice@bbupdates
Shared by Kristy@BIGBANGWORLD
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