

[MISC] Fan Account of GDTOP & Seungri @ KMW Malaysia (110924)

| Sunday, September 25
AARGHH!!! i'm really still not in my right mind to give any coherent fanaccounts, but this is BIGBANG man. come on. i'll try my best to make sense because SRSLY i'm still in freakin spazz mode.
kay, so, by the time it was baby's turn, i think a lot of the kpoppers were kinda exhausted and was thankful to jungmin oppa cuz he sang a lot of ballads and ppl were waving their lightsticks and being chill (i'm a TripleS too so i was like on of the few that was screaming my head off to a ballad song. LMAO.) but then..... 
VVIP came on and that was IT man. everyone in my section who were chillaxing on chairs immediately JUMPED UP. and you could srsly see EVERY. SINGLE. LIGHTSTICK even those for other idols, just waving like it's the last day on earth. like no joke.
i was screaming my head off and crying cuz Malaysian VIPs have SERIOUSLY WAITED for BIGBANG FOR AAAAAGESS. 
they went to Singapore and they went to Thailand numerous times and us Malayians who were in between Thailand in the north and Singapore down south was always feeling left out. at this point we're like, forget it, they're never gonna come here. BUT BLESS YOU PROOF LABEL AND GALAXY THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR BRINGING BIGBANG TO MALAYSIA!!!!!!! like we went MENTAL. baby's perf was fantastic man. just absolutely fantastic. 
the people in korea take him for granted because they prolly see him everyday on the streets or performing and whatev. but he was perfect. he sang live and he really gave a performance. i'm not gonna downplay other idols who performed because i totally enjoyed their performances as well, but there was just an OBVIOUS aura of superiority with baby. (call me an elitist i don't effin care i'm on cloud nine right now.)
oh btw, .......................... HE LOOKED EFFIN GORGEOUSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! even from my faraway seats he looks so freakin dapper in his suit and just MOFO GQBAMF. i have a lil soft spot for baby. he's just AWESOME. 
then they had a little ment in the middle and he said one of the most memorable things tonight; "finally, BIGBANG is here!" that just gave me goosebumps man. me and my friend were like, damn straight! finally you boys managed to get yo asses down here! hahaha!! and he really laid it on thick with the fanservice saying stuff like, "i don't like concert here..... i, i, ......i..... I WANT TO LIVE HERE." bahaha. he's just a nutjob. lmao. me and my friend kinda share this joke abt him, cuz he's our age we kinda feel like he's one of our classmates and we'd always say he's like 'mengada' in our language. lol. kinda like playing it cute. so we're like, "oh there he goes again with his sucking up." lol. 
but we find it all the more endearing so it's like, i can't love him enough! and then he really made us crack up when he said Malaysia is BAGUS! and then he gave a thumbs up lmao!!! that really got the crowd going. i mean, jungmin oppa wrote entire complete sentences in malay and ppl enjoyed it, went aww for a few seconds. but all seungri had to say was one word; bagus. and the crowd just went crazy. i bet he asked people backstage how to say chwego in malay. lmao!
anyway, then he went on to perform STRONG BABY and it was the end man. EVERYONE JUMPED ON THE CHAIRS!!!!! inclding me, of course. and at first some were like, pissed and were yelling for them to sit down..... but come on. BIGBANG. like, THE BIGBANG. can you sit down when they're in the house? no. so then my whole entire section just JUMPED ON THE CHAIRS and went crack crackcrack CRACK!!! haha. that was srsly awesome. lol. then the sexy dancers came out. i was looking for jihye unnie, but then i remembered she's prolly with 2NE1 but i saw deukkie so it was awesome. (it was deukkie right or was i hallucinating?)
after that he sang Eojjeorago and a lot of us were singing the entire song instead of fanchants. LMAO. cuz ppl were actually passing out lyrics for fanchants, but at that point no one gave a damn bro. we know every single line!!! hahaha! and everyone sang the chorus. i screamed it lol, but yeah. there were some guys sitting beside me and behind me, and they kept a pretty non-reaction face during teentop, ukiss and ftisland, but seungri came on and they were just like the rest of us man. haha!!! i pointed them out to my friend and we thought it was pretty hilarious. lol.
so it ended and the stage went dark and it was the very LAST performer. all of us didn't even bother to get down from the chairs and sit because we knew who it was gonna be (BEST for LAST and all that jazz right??) and then..... 
ppeoooooo~~~gigaaayo~~ ppeooo~giga-aju ppeoooo~gigayoooooo~~ ppppeeooo~~ ppeeooo~

GYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! like that is the only way to describe it man. even the dudes were jumping ON the chairs. LOL. and i lost it. i didn't even care. if anyone was sitting next to me during the concert, sorry if i ruined any of y'all's fancams with my intense insane screaming, but i cried and screamed and was singing along i didn't even know what the heck was going on man. all i could see was my boys and GYAAAAAHHHHHY!!!! they wore the same outfits from yesterday's singapore F1 concert but man, looking at them never gets old!!! people were dancing on chairs to ppeogigayo, rapping the entire song. like i'm not joking. it was so damn freakin awesome. 
they stopped for the ment. and GD's english is perfect. no lie. maybe we got some snippets from 2NE1TV and the ML vids, but it does not do him any justice yo. he had no accent, he fully understood what the MCs were saying and that DJ from korea didn't even need to translate into korean for them. he spoke with almost no pauses or ums and uhhhs. it was like butter to my toast. it was THAT delicious to hear. and then the moment he said, "ladies gimme some LOVE!!!" I. DIED!!!! I. FREAKIN. DIED!!!! 
jiyong OMG you don't even know how many MyVIPs died when you said that. and TOP was hilarious. the DJ was telling a story abt a fan asking him where TOP was, "the girl asked me, where's top? where's top?" then TOP cutely added, "i'm here" OMG SO CUTE. OMG. lol. then the DJ didn't even finish his story. lol. GD said he was surprised by how awesome the response in Malaysia was and the MC asked him if we can expect a BIGBANG concert here in the future and the whole stadium roared bro. GD couldn't even say anything. LIKE COME HERE AGAINNNNNN!!!!! DAMMIT! 
OH. and the MC called our boys LEGENDS. right? like, uhmmm.... tell me something i don't know bro. haha! but GD went all shy and stuff. aigooo~ uri humble leadah. (i'm fuzzy abt the details actually. i'm not sure whether it was, Knockout, Oh Yeah, ment and then High High. or it was ment first and then Oh Yeah and High High. lol. sorry. anyone else can correct me if they'd like.) so, before they sang Oh Yeah, TOP did a little beatboxing and GD did the wassup wassup wassup chant and we chanted along, like, who doesn't know that song? lol. then TOP came in and went, "say yeah! say yeah, say ohyeah!!" and i knew it. 
i already knew it. and then the music for OhYeah came on and that's like MY FAVORITE SONG off their album and i SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF. like this time for real. i think i bruised my vocal chords from screaming so hard. GD sang the chorus the first time with his cute but awesome nasally voice. keke. god i adore him so much!! (excuse my biasedness. GD stan right hurr~) and then TOP kinda sang the second chorus just walking to the front of the stage like a boss. haha. pure awesomeness man. just. OMG.
AND THEN HIGH HIGH CAME ON and it was really DAEBAK. it brought the house down man. it was like a GIGANTIC PARTY in the stadium. 
ppl were dancing and singing along to the club tune. gods it was fantastic. i can't even describe how awesome it was. you just HAD to be there. no wonder they have been constantly rated as THE BEST IDOL PERFORMERS in korea. tonight, i had the chance to experience that. it was like a tiny taste of what a BIGBANG SHOW would be like and man, i gotta tell ya, I. WANT. MORE. like they interacted with us in a different way than the typical talking. they sang out chants to get the crowd involved so instead of just screaming we were following along chants. 
they're just the best man. srsly. they're just different. you can see it and you can feel it by the crowd's reactions alone. they got the loudest screams and they got ppl jumping off their seats. what more proof do you need to say that they are the best group EVER? haha. and i wanna add that they used the most fireworks during GTOPRI's performances. haha! we even got confetti man. they really gave it all out for our boys. it was so muhfuh'n TERRIFIC!!!! i have run out of words to describe their performances. i srsly have. so that was it yo. 
then the concert ended and we were still standing on the chairs screaming for an encore, but they didn't budge. they were an hour behind schedule and they had to catch their flights so it was a no go. i was pretty sad but it was okay. some ppl stayed in the stadium in hopes of getting a glimpse of the idols, but i said to my friend, what are the chances? y'know? and it was late and my mom was already waiting for me outside so i couldn't keep them waiting. lol. 
and that is my fanaccount. forgive the random caps and the spazzy nonsensical statements, but i was trying to relay the feeling i have right now. haha.
p/s: no pics. i'm using a corby and the cam sucks and i didn't have the guts to sneak in my SLR. i was scared it'd get confiscated or something so there weren't any pics to share. hehe^^ tons of pics of me and my buddies, but sadly none of GTOPRI. sorry. ^^; oooohhh~ YAYY!! i TABI'd. kekeke^^
Malaysia fans 'BAGUS' (Malay Language)!^^

Source: hayakatsu@soompi//Baki Zainal@FB
Shared by Xera@BIGBANGWORLD Share


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