I am not going to say anything much about the concert cuz I’m sure you’ve read fan accounts so… here’s mine. After the concert, my friend and I decided to wait at the barricade for their car to drive pass and after like 30mins, they drove out in a car with no tinted windows. JIYONG WAVED!!! TOP was sitting in front and GRI @ the back! Okay so then we decided to go back to MBS (we got a room there specially for F1 thinking GTOPRI will stay there but no) and when we were about to go to sleep, my friend received a call from her mom that GTOPRI may be having dinner/supper @ the sky garden.
So obviously we decided to try. To keep it short, we didn’t go to the sky park in the end, but went down to the lobby and when we were about to take another straight lift up to the sky park. WE.SAW.THEM.
One whole big group of them with TOP being the most obvious celebrity there bc of his red Galliano jacket and his hair, so we got a shock and decided to follow them not closely, but just follow behind the big group (of about… 20+ people all dressed nicely for Avalon)
Then we followed them down the escalator to Avalon when there was a gap between seungri and the next person. So I went to the space behind seungri and honestly, I was so damn close to seungri, I can touch his eyelashes, he turn abit to the left and I saw his beautiful face, like…. flawless. His eyelashes are kinda long, and he put on a little mascara, not a lot tho. After that we were near the casino when my friend said: “It’s now or never.”
So I went up to Seungri, tapped him at the shoulder and did the “can i have a picture sign”
THEN MY FRIEND WANTED TO SNAP BUT I REALIZE I WAS WEARING MY SPECS. (personal preference) SO I TOOK TWO LOL please do not laugh at me lol =\ ....with specs:

and without:

YUP AND THEN SEUNGRI PATTED MY BACK AND SAID THANK YOU AND HE SMILED. I MELTED SRSLY. ok then we moved forward and I srsly think I heard seungri giggling cuz he knew we were running towards gtop. We saw TOP with a few people and really, it was so easy to approach him at that moment but we hesitated cuz they were in a convo and it’s rude to interrupt so we waited till they stop talking.
I approached TOP first, tapping his back like what I did to Seungri.
First tap = no response.
Second tap = no response from him but that guy beside him responded FOR him.
I didn’t even have a chance to say anything before that guy pushed TOP away. TOP was looking at us already but he got pushed away, I saw that he smiled a little tho. (that guy beside TOP is the one who pushed him away)

Edited: We tried to ask Jiyong but he got pushed away from us too. SO FUCKING SAD. then we followed them to Avalon but didn’t go in cuz… no NRIC etc. cut the story short again, by the time we went back to Avalon, we stood outside thinking if we should go in, but at this time, all of them walked out of Avalon & TOP was smoking, me and my friend decided to just follow TOP.
He went back to MBS, went onto a mini bus with 2 other female staffs. They took pics in there and there were a few vips (like 5 or 6?) waiting outside the bus, he came down in the end of a smoke and no pictures were allowed. BUT HE GAVE THEM SIGNATURES. I didn’t have anything for him to sign :(
While waiting for him to finish signing I shook hands with the manager (not the chubby one, another one haha) Manager was cute man, I said hello in korean and he bowed and smiled a little then I offered my hand and he was like “Me??” then I smiled cuz he looked like “everyone is here for TOP tho” LOL but I said “Yes you, why not?” Then he shook my hand and smiled haha so cute.
So when TOP was finally done with like 3 or 4 signatures, he turned around to smoke, then the guy don’t allow us to disturb so we waited. I was standing beside TOP and the manager. I tell you. His side profile, eyelashes, jawline is god damn perfect.
Really. I got so smitten I forgot to breathe. Then after he was done. He signed 2 more and I offered my hand. “Can I have a handshake please?” He took my hand and omg I really didn’t wanted to let go but that’s disrespect. It was soft and chubby lol. Then it was over haha, he got on the bus and went off. Yeah this is my fan account :) Thank you.
P/S:: I bet seungri bias will get jealous bout that.. kekeke~~
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD
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