So ~3 I met up with my friends, (thankfully) got a iPhone charger (But ended up gettin cheated $20 coz its spoilt -____-) and got a sandwich (My only meal for the day..) and headed to Shangrila. Security there was :/ for a high end hotel and we kinda sneaked in to the lobby from the pool lift.. After waiting ~1 hour, no one was there and then news was Ri had LEFT SHANGRILA ALREADY (and never checked in the first place.. ><) Dejected, we ran down to search but nothing and was gonna leave…

As we walked out of Shangrila, I thought “Hey, why not head to the beach beside the hotel since it was said he WAS there.. So we tried our luck.. And guess what… THEY WERE JUST PLAYING AROUND W THE CREW…!!! Me and my friends and a few fans went near and got his signature.. Tried asking for pics but he himself said smthg like “no picture.. no picture… only sign.. i have a schedule to go to..” I dug out the nearest thing I saw in my bag (Compo paper.. +.+) and passed it to him. He signed and asked for my name.. Since my name is Jacinth, kinda hard, I told him, “My name? 재신…” He looked a bit taken a back and said “재신..?”, I nodded and wrote 재 with my fingers in the air.. He wrote it and said “신..?” and I was like “네.” and he signed it out and passed it back.

After that, my friend started legit CRYING and I started tearing and shaking. He looked at us and pat my friend’s back and was shocked and worried and went “Dont cry..!!!! Dont Cry..!!!! Ah!! 울지마!! 울지마..!!” kekekekeke. The staff kept recording/taking pictures of us.. >< After that they went to play VolleyBall w some random boys and they got a pic.. During that time, Ri fell quite a bit but we’d cheer and make hearts at him whenever he turned back to us… He kept staring and looking away quickly at us.. LOLOLOL
After so, more fans started coming.. And the coordi unnies were getting pissed at us taking videos/pictures, one of em took my friend’s iPhone and switched it off saying “No take no take!” and they went up to fans and took their phones and made em delete EVERYTHING before returning it back.. My friends got caught a few times and I went “Oh.. 죄송합니다..” to apologise few times. Later after the volley, Ri took the ball and walked, we followed.. They stop by a soccer pit to play w the staff for >1 hour..

Ri fell quite a bit and also rolled up his tee sleeves and removed his sunnies then.. The ball kept getting out so they had to chase it a lot and my friend was like “I hope it goes to the sea so ri has to swim in and take it..” HAHAHAHA. I wrote a small sign and held it to let him see. He stared at us a lot also then, to read the sign and look @ us… Then one of the guys kicked the ball and it was gonna hit me. I moved aside but it hit my left leg quite hard and rolled aside.. I quickly ran and picked it and handed it to one of the coordis.. I looked at ri and he was totally looking at me O______O They played for awhile and watched em behind.. Suddenly a group of guys came, wanted to take the court and Ri asked if they could play together. The guy went “huh?!” and just took 1/2 the court and Ri was just dumbfounded and kinda sad.. The guys were kinda rude too.. Kept staring…
So they packed and left after coz it was ~7 and the court was taken.. We walked behind him and I shouted “오빠, 안녕!!” And he turned, smiled and waved.. >< Wanted to follow em but the coordi said “No follow us anymore. No follow.” so we just :/ and fans left.. They went in a private bus and then left for dinner (@ Delifrance nearby..)
So there was news since morning/aft that Ri was still in SG and went to TigerTower… Was contemplating on to find him or not (Since Sentosa is godly huge and he could be ANYWHERE.) and since my class was gonna end at 2 not 1:30… But since my friends decided to go with me, I decided to rush down…

WOW!! Omg! Seungri also went to Tiger Sky Tower in Sentosa, Singapore this Morning (not sure when, maybe on 25 Sept?)!! What a great place!^^
NOTE:: If taking out OTHER pics + fanacc, pls put with full credits! Thanks!^^
Source: @500_roses//@shiddough/@pure_yun//@mystifize// Jacintha@twidvid// @jachohjac//@kat-kwon/@xoxo_euphoria// jwalkervip@tmblr/isyaemika
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