

[NEWS/PHOTOS] Big Bang holds Lotte Duty Free Fanmeeting in January 2012 + Calender! (111225)

| Sunday, December 25

[TRANS] 2012 Lotte Duty Free Shop BIGBANG Fan meeting!

1) **5 or more songs to be Revealed**!
2) Close interation with all members!
3) Lucky draw for BIGBANG personal items

  • Participants will also be given a 10000YEN Lotte Duty Free voucher
  • Fan meeting time: 28 January 2012 in the afternoon.
UPDATED! Big Bang's Lotte Duty Free 2012 Calender....


More 37 photos in this Slideshow:~
We'll be update HQ photos once available!^^

Source: @thestaff//@lotteDutyfreejapan//SCN@weibo// Trans by Eliza@BBWORLD//Via:@Welovedara+soompi//BIGBANG빅뱅@FB
Shared by Est+Xera@BIGBANGWORLD

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