1. Jonghyun (Shinee)
2. Daesung
”His waist is as small as G-dragon-shi’s. I feel that I could wrap my body around him (laughs). I always see Daesung-goon being hugged on variety shows, and those people can wrap their bodies around him. Also, if we were to say that Taeyang-goon’s smiling eyes has charisma, Daesung-goon’s smiling eyes…how should we describe it? (laughs). He has really nice colored lips, and even his voice is mesmerizing though it’s a bit hoarse, but he’s still the vocalist. He looks like a fox…really like a fox…(laughs).
3. G-Dragon
“It’s really hard to believe he’s a man. His body is small..and even though people say he’s a very independent person, but to me it’s just his way of pretending to be cute (laughs). I want to hug him…I feel that he would be cute even when he’s angry.”
5. Jinwoon (2AM)
4. Junsu (JYJ)
4. Junsu (JYJ)
(Omitted Non-Big Bang related)
LOL Daesung so funny, i can imagine what they talk bout.. keke~~
Source: 海天月夜@weibo//Trans by jwalkervip@tumblr
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