2. Artists’ profits do not only come from album/music sales. For example, Girl’s Generation’s success comes more from concerts and advertisements, rather from album and music sales. While concert sales are dependent on fans, advertisements are offered to artists who are popular and have a representative value within the field. Hence, trendy artists appear in advertisements for clothing brands targeted at people in their twenties; whereas older trot artists appear in arthritis medicine commercials. Girls Generation gained popularity in all age ranges and therefore appeared in a wide variety of advertisements. Moreover, G-Market hired Big Bang as their model and emphasized their slogan “G-Market for the Twenties’.
3. People can have varying opinions on whether Big Bang is an icon of the twenties. However, it is true that Big Bang has followed the styles and trends of the twenties the most closely out of the existing male idol groups. G-Dragon is a fashion icon and Big Bang has released music, such as ‘Tonight’, that is very mainstream and trendy. Although GD&TOP’s ‘High High’ and ‘Knock Out’ did not sweep all the music charts, those tracks made Big Bang an idol group that can freely perform at clubs. Furthermore, Taeyang is almost like a black musician. Being a popular group, Big Bang suggests music and fashion that people in their twenties would think are ‘cool’. Therefore when companies are targeting people in their twenties as their market group, Big Bang is probably the most likely male idol group that companies will pick.

These songs seem like they are for those who are sensitive to the style and trend. It is hard to say that everything was carefully intended by Big Bang or YG Entertainment. Notwithstanding, YG has most enthusiastically brought in music based on hip-hop and electronica to Korea and Big Bang members have tried to represent the trends of the twenties. These people in their twenties followed Big Bang’s lead, looking for something ‘cool’, and in the process of that the public’s taste also followed Big Bang’s pathway.
Through Big Bang’s trendiness, fashion and pop, Big Bang was able to dominate a large portion of the fields relating to trends of the twenties. Big Bang no longer needs to make a big hit like Big Bang did with ‘Lies’. What is more important for Big Bang is to give remind their generation of the group’s ‘sophistication and trendiness’. Besides, ‘Lies’ was a product of trendiness and mass appeal.

Translator note: This is a piece of writing, or more like a series of memos, that I found in Myoungseok Kang’s blog (Kang is the editor of 10asia Magazine). I thought it was interesting so I wanted to share with other overseas fans too.
Source: Naver// trans Beau@bbvipz
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