

[NEWS] T.O.P vs 2NE1′s Park Bom on StyleM's Star vs Star! (120316)

| Saturday, March 17

There has been a poll recently in StyleM’s STAR vs STAR, where netizens are to choose the best candidate who is suitable for bright and colourful hairstyles. The results were released on the 14th of March, where TOP had a total of 522 votes(56%), and Park Bom had a total of 413 votes(44%).

Big Bang’s TOP, who had recently dyed his hair sky blue, has caused a big commotion for himself and 2NE1′s Park Bom, who had her hair dyed red previously.
Big Bang has recently released their album <ALIVE>, and TOP has dyed his hair to suit their album concept. His obvious hair colour has made him stand out in SBS’s Running Man. Park Bom, who has her hair dyed red, has won herself plently of votes too. Many felt that red suits her completely, giving her that perfect doll-look appearance.
TOP really deserve to win. keke~

Source: 2NE1China//Trans by: Celeste@WeLoveBom
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD 

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