Big Bang’s Seungri recently said how he’s been doing lately.
On July 10, Seungri uploaded a picture on his me2day account with the comment, “Big Bang members are saying hello to people in Japan through Japanese local TV channels. It’s really fun to see our local fans in Japan that we couldn’t meet because of our schedule. My surprised look was shown on the local TV in Nagoya. I was surprised at the great amount of food given to us at that time. Who wants to join us?”
In the picture, Seungri is having a surprised look on his face, looking at the food on a big plate. He looks cute yet manly in casual clothes with short hair.
People responded: “I was wondering how you were doing. You must be really happy with the food.” “He can’t eat them all.” “I love Seungri’s short hair.”
He even can't finish it , keke!^^
Source: viofbb@me2day//@hood_bang//@en.korea.com
Shared by Maxine@BIGBANGWORLD