This is awesome!!
When I first announced I’m going to do solo activity in Japan,
SSTV’s president said he’ll create a special TV show only for Seung chan.
That is really great!!
Since all of you are waiting for the show..
I have to prepare so many things!!
Today was the first recording but I really enjoyed it!!!
This show is probably going to be SSTV’s new face!!(^-^)/
What’s the content of the show,
What’s the title for the show that Seung-chan has decides,
Please check it when it’s going on air!
It’s going to be really cool! cool!
*Nantoka kantoka means something or anything
Stay with us for more updates! ^^
Source: chikachica415@ameblo//marthapido@tumblr
Shared by Maxine@BIGBANGWORLD