Today is fan event in Osaka!! I really had fun since I love Kansai so much! Today, I did many mistakes too but it can’t be helped. I already did my best. All of the staffs had worked hard too..
Today, during the wrap up party, the staffs said they had fun working with Seung chan. And they also said thank you to me.. Those words really made me happy compared to any other words..
Furthermore, all of the fans said the word ‘kumawo’ in Korean which means thank you to me. During the last event, there were quite many fans who cried. I like to see all of your smiles.. I don’t want to see you crying.. but it’s a bit lonely right.. the last one..
But, this is not the end. You guys know me well since you have been watching over me for the last 3 months. Because I’m the guy who definitely will do anything to accomplish something ^_^
Thanks for today I was happy because many people came.. I’m such a lucky guy^^
Nice work Osaka! Nice work Seung chan! See also the fancams below:~
NOTE: Yesterday, Seungri holding another fan meeting on September 9th in Osaka, Japan. See also his previous Fanmeeting in Tokyo, Japan. We'll be update more fancams in this playlist video once available.Stay with us for more updates^o^
Source: @12akane02//@chikachica//DCVI//Trans by marthapido@tmblr