Kakao Talk Indonesia will invite the Big Bang to Jakarta in order to 'KakaoTalk X BIGBANG in Jakarta'. Here, how to get the ticket:
Method 1. Participation through Twitter (100 people)
Period: 12 ~ 15 April 2013
Follow and tweet @ KakaoTalkINA mandatory text below with the reason why it's OKAY KakaoTalk really.
Winners will be announced via Twitter DM April 16 (Tuesday).
(Twitter account is closed to the public can not participate)
* Mandatory Text
Share KakaoTalkXBigbang OKAY # dr who KakaoTalk, bs meet BIGBANG! Http://on.fb.me/YsFedO
(Sample Tweet)
Dg 100org too, KakaoTalk GroupChat tetep smoothly! Share KakaoTalkXBigbang OKAY # dr who KakaoTalk, bs meet BIGBANG! 'http://on.fb.me/YsFedO'
Method 2. Direct assault Fans Meeting location! (1,000 people)
- Time: Friday, April 19, 2013 / pk entrance opened. 15.00 (event begins pk. 16.00)
- Venue: Hall C JI Expo
- Only the first 1,000 people who could be Meeting Fans admission.
- Twitter and the winner of the event directly to the location of the participants must indicate KakaoTalk on its own HP when on location Fans Meeting.
- Transportation costs are not included.

*[NOTE]* G-Dragon won't coming to KaKaoTalk x BIGBANG Fan meeting in Jakarta due to his concert in Japan but He will greet us thru video message.. Stay with us for more updates! ^o^