GD is always called a fashionista. Fans at his concert can enjoy his music and watch a great fashion show at the same time.
GD will talk about how he made his own clothes and how he enjoys visiting restaurants. His favorite food is Sushi.
Fashion is a way to express myself. Just like music, it’s a way to express my emotions depending on how I feel that day. Since I was little, I enjoyed wearing unique clothes so my mom made me clothes and helped express my unique style. I don’t prefer or have a favorite brand. I just choose clothes that makes me go ‘I want to wear that’ when I look at them.

I used to think luxury brands were better but now I just buy items that I consider pretty, regardless of the price. I don’t really make my own clothes but when I explain the design I want to my stylist, she makes them very well. Sometimes I put my name in my clothes and I’m trying many other things for the designs.
I really liked drawing since I was little so I explain my design by drawing as well.I don’t really know what “dressing well” is but I think the most important thing is to wear something that suits you the best. You need to pick out clothes that suits the place&the atmosphere. If you choose the right clothes, that’s some sense of fashion.
I think to dress well you should first have confidence. And trying out many different styles help you to learn what suits you.
A lot of people from our company like to sag their pants and that could look bad but when you do it more, you gain confidence. Everyone has a different body type. As you try out more things you will find a new style that will suit you the best.

Since I love fashion, I went to Paris Fashion Week every year. I will keep on going if I can.I am gladly accepting all the invitations to fashion weeks and big fashion events in Paris. But I’m still not sure if I want to professionally work with fashion. I know that it’s hard to be successful in that category.
Just like how I dedicated my life to music, I can understand the struggles of those who dedicate their lives to fashion.
I love going out to eat good food. I've been eating sushi a lot lately. Whenever I have free time, I look for good sushi place. I was so happy to see all those great sushi places in Japan and even Seoul.
I’m eating sushi so much to the point I could write a Sushi Column. Ingredients in it change so I never get sick of it. There are 3 sushi places in Seoul that I go often and I rate them depending on the atmosphere, sushi course, and the freshness.
I usually eat sushi at bars. It’s fun to ask the chef about each kind of sushi and I like to watch him cook. The reason why I started to like sushi is because my standard for choosing a food is it’s ‘beauty’ and sushi’s are beautiful.
Just like clothes, I am interested in beautiful food. Beauty is an important standard to me.
- On the next Star Column, GD’s cute childhood pictures will be revealed for the first time! Please look forward to it.

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