- @xxxibgdrgn: "It's G-Dragon week at complex #gd #gdragon #giyongchy #complex"

- > @IBGDRGN: "Every day Amazing”

- > @IBGDRGN: "GD: “RT: I want to film “Who You” MV, send me some ideas. I’ll do just like it if it’s really good.”
- > @IBGDRGN:"I also want to film "R.O.D" and "NILIRIA", personally I really want to film "I LOVE IT" and also "BLACK".. There are so many things I want to do but I don’t have time"

- > "@IBGDRGN: Finally, my 2nd full album 'COUP D'ETAT' is being released(hard copy) tomorrow. Please purchase many. Buy and give some to your friends, relatives, and spread the love^^^^^^^^^^ #gd #gdragon #giyongchy #coupdetat"
Stay with us for more updates!^o^
Source: @IBGDRGN//@xxxibgdrgn/trans @big_seunghyun
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD
Stay with us for more updates!^o^
Source: @IBGDRGN//@xxxibgdrgn/trans @big_seunghyun
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD