

[TRANSLATION] TOP's Interview on JUNON Magazine, Japan

| Monday, September 27

Whenever I am in love, I will devote all of myself...

Q: What is the best memory of you in this summer?
TOP: ‘Into the fire, a film that I have taken a role was so well received. Then, we took part in Summer Sonic 2010 and we were so excited. The weather was really so hot but the mood of the audience is ever hotter than the weather! (Laugh) Because of this, I was also ecstatic on the stage.
Q: In your interview with JUNON last time,you said that you wanted to have a tour around Japan relaxingly, have you done so?
TOP: Regrettably, I have not, (Laugh) but last June I went to Bali secretly. Ever since BIGBANG has debuted I have been focusing on producing songs, doing TV drama and movies and I have not much time to take a rest. Therefore, after filming the movie, I decided to take a good rest so I went there to relax but not do sightseeing. I only stayed in the hotel.

Q: TOP is really tall, were you so tall when you were small?
TOP: I am 1.8m. When I had entered the senior high school, I suddenly grew tall a lot. I was doing exercise at that time, that was why I was growing so much. When I was small, I did not go out to play a lot but that does not mean that I did not make friends with others(Laugh), I only wanted to stay at home to write my lyrics.

Q: So what do you do usually?
TOP: Meditation. I try my best to leave some times for my own to meditate every day. I really think about different stuff and sometimes I will think I am so lonely and some other times I will feel very happy. And there are even times that I will have headache. However, I still think it is the precious time that I can nourish my soul.

Q: What kind of men do you think are perfect? 
TOP: Men who are willing to take up adventures and those who live freely without any burdens.

Q What kind of actions a girl does will make you feel attractive?
TOP: That is not an action. Whenever I see the front of a girl, I will feel attractive.(Laugh). When I am looking at a girl, I will first observe her face and legs. I think when a girl is wearing high heel shoes, her foot are the most beautiful part of her.

Q: What do you recommend in ‘Beautiful Hangover’? TOP: I think this song leads people to think about the view of the night. When I am in love, I will devote all of myself to it until I lose myself. I thinking my level is higher than ‘hangover;.(Laugh) To be frank, when I was filming the MV, my neck was hurt. That was why I did not dance well at that time. And the content of the MV had also changed, they did not require me to do a lot of actions but tried to film my facial expression. I am still feeling painful until now but I have to recover from it soon lest I will give more troubles to others.

Q: What is the most beautiful thing to you?
TOP: Just like now, the young days. And the future that we can never predict. I think they are the best thing for me.

Q: What do you want to do in this autumn?
TOP: I want to produce a perfect BIGBANG new album. (which will be released in Korea soon)

Photo: Tisya@bigbangupdates
Chinese Translation: 啊赞_zzang @Baidu
English Translation: Rice@BigbangWORLD


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