- This con was WAY better than the Tokyo ones!! Cuter, talked more, more fan service and longer encore!
- When they come out for the encore, they were wearing monkey masks, the baseball character of the marines.
- Encore: Seungri got pink monkey or mouse ears & wore it almost the entire time.
- BEST part! When Seungri did his Tanoshingo impersonation, GD was making his "Ri is weird" face but TOP came right out & made fun of him. THEN! TOP just came out & said he could do it better & spoke gibberish while just wiggling around doing the final pose. Seungri was like, "No, no, do it right!" TOP was all "OK" Then he did it. OMG he was even cuter than usual today!
- THEN Seungri was like "I think GD would be really good at it" but GD said, "NO!" But gets dragged to the middle & does the entire thing properly. "OMG so much win!" During the Tokyo con he only did the last pose but now he wiggled & everything!
- Then, they make them do it AGAIN but facing the back! OMG GD but wiggling! As they finished & were walking back, Seungri says, " G-Dragon you were SO CUTE!!" & kept repeating it. When they got back to to the main stage, Seungri remembered TOP & was like, "Oh! TOP, you were cute too!" But TOP just stood there blankly. OMG! so Seungri held his hand but TOP still had no expression so he cooed to TOP, "Why are you making face? Don't make that face!" Then TOP walked off! Lmao. Awesome MC!
- Today at the end of the encore, GD was waiting with Seungri & Daesung on stage but he had his arm around Seungri's shoulders while bobbing his head to the beat. Cute!
- Oh! And They we're using local dialect! So cute & they made fun of TOP Japanese! Lmao! OMG!
P/S: So guys whats your thoughts bout them? funny right? keke~XD
Source: @kya_mii + mystifize@twitter + As tagged
Shared by Trisya@BigBangWORLD
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