

[INTERVIEW] Tablo talks about Big Bang & Taeyang on 10Asia! (111115)

| Tuesday, November 15
Were you able to have great musicians feature in your album because you already knew them or did you also receive help from your new agency YG Entertainment?
Tablo: Other than Taeyang, I worked with everyone else in no relation to YG. In the case of Naul, I asked him because I knew him from rapping for one of his songs to his Brown Eyed Soul albums and I asked everyone else as well strictly in a professional way. 
That they should make a judgement based on the guide song and lyrics. And that they shouldn’t feel any pressure because they don’t need to if they don’t think it’s right for them. Even with Taeyang, I’d asked him through Hye-jung before because I’d wanted to work with him since a long time ago. Although before it was for a different song and after deciding to work with him this time around, I made “Tomorrow” with the thought that I’d like him to do something that he’d have more fun singing.
Your image actually doesn’t fit with that of a major agency like YG.
Tablo: YG is different from what it looks like on the outside. You’d think that they’d be more controlling as a major agency but it’s rather the opposite. When you’re at a smaller agency, you actually need to produce hits all the time. Everyone looked forward to it so it rather got in the way of producing better songs. Because I had to think of other things as well and do a lot of other things outside of music as well, such as appear on entertainment shows. But here, from the very beginning, Mr. Yang told me not to think about anything else and just focus on my music. I was very grateful for those words and that’s how it’s actually been. There’s a studio on the third floor of our office and everyone, including the members of Big Bang, talk about music nonstop. It’s amazing. There really is no room for thinking about anything other than music here.

So there must be a lot of things you learn as well.
Tablo: I don’t know if I was selfish or arrogant but I thought I’d be able to do everything well by myself. But the more that happens, the more one doesn’t realize how there are even greater people around him. Because you’d do everything alone. But what I realized here was that wow, there are a lot of amazing people and that I’d learn more the more I work with these people. Now I just go to the agency’s office even when I don’t have work. A lot of the time, I even just go to Teddy’s room and watch him work. There’s just so much to learn even from watching these people work. It’s fun.

Read full interview: Part 1, Part 2//via: bbupdates
Shared by Trisya@BIGBANGWORLD


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