김치호 귀국 환영 칵테일 파티스타일? ㅋ 사진에 탑 얼굴이 너무 작군 ㅎ 촛불들고 호로 스타일고.칵테일에도 취할수 있고행복한 밤이었다 twitpic.com/aqc5lf
— 이상봉 Lie sang bong (@lsbparis) September 2, 2012
Welcome party for Kim Chi-ho with cocktail. T.O.P's face is so small in this photo. We're holding candle with style. It was a happy night to get drunken with cocktails.
T.O.P poses with fashion designer Lee Sang Bong (right). Haha! The atmosphere is kinda romantic right? LOL! JK. Stay with us for more updates!^^
Source: lsbparis@twitter
Rough trans by MaxineBluee@twitter
Shared by Maxine@BIGBANGWORLD
Rough trans by MaxineBluee@twitter
Shared by Maxine@BIGBANGWORLD