

[NEWS] GDTOP "Baby Good Night" MV Reaches 1 Million Views! (110203)

| Thursday, February 3
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The power of TWO!
The GDTOP Crew is on high high as their music video gained a whooping million views on Youtube in just three days! Released January 31, 2011, the video landed on the frontpage of Youtube today as one of the most popular video under the music category.
The video is most viewed by females aged 13-34 and is the top-rated video for this week in Japan according to statistics. It is also the 3rd top-rated video under music as of this writing.

Total Views: 1.1K (Will be increased more when VIP's wanna get to sleep..LolXD~)

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p/s: C'grats!!!!! to VIP's keep watching till its reached 2K & more!^^

Credits: lovis89 for the
Shared by Mira@BigbangWorld

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