

[PHOTOS] TOP @ Airport in Canada + Fan Account! (111013)

| Thursday, October 13


TOP will arrive in Korea @ 5.40PM on Oct.14th. Previously, Fans spotted TOP in Canada:~
J7QJB.png (514×71)
Fan Account:~
My friends and I were driving down the main road in Banff when we saw TOP walking back from the grocery store. We quickly stopped the car and got out. He continued walking to his hotel which wasn’t far and sat down on a bench out front of it to smoke. We then said hi and asked for autographs which he happily gave to us. We asked if we could get a picture with him or of him but he said “No, sorry.” with a cute half smile. We asked him if he liked Canada and he laughed and said “Yeah”. 
He also laughed when my friend said “Uri ppeogigayo”. We were probably there for 10 minutes and he didn’t take his eyes off my friend and I the whole time. He bowed to us multiple times. He also loved the fact that my friend and I spoke to him in Korean. We then thanked him and said goodbye because he was going inside the hotel. His eyes are the prettiest and most intense eyes I have ever seen! He’s truly a gorgeous man! He’s really tall; probably about 6 ft.
TOP wearing a light blue jacket. What a lucky fans!^^

Source : @ChopperLopper + @kspringa//via : @mystifize// bbforlife@tmblr//@jiyongstar//weibo//jwalkervip@tmblr

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